𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎: 𝙳𝚘𝚔𝚒 𝙳𝚘𝚔𝚒

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Over the next few days, I was overwhelmingly not ok. I just felt off. Maybe it was the lack of human contact or maybe it was the fact I just turned down a relationship with a guy who would be perfect for me. I wasn't sure.

I could always turn to Shoto if I wanted a relationship, but I wasn't sure if I wanted a relationship or just the sex and cuddles afterwards, but either way I wasn't going to lead him on like that.

Friday eventually rolled around, and I found myself staring at my duffle bag in thought.

"What do you bring to a sleepover?" I asked myself. I'd never been to one before, my parents never let me while I was in their custody.

I decided to call Chiharu, taking out my phone to call her number. I waited, listening to the ringing, but she didn't pick up. I called Daichi in hopes he would know.

"Yeah?" He said when he picked up, sounded like he was eating something.

"Hey hot stuff, what are you eating?" I asked.

"Sushi. Want some?" He asked as he put another roll in his mouth.

"I'd love to, but I'm packing right now."

"Packing for what? Your boyfriend invite you over?" I could hear his smirk from over the phone.

"No stupid, I'm going to a sleepover with some girls I know but I have no clue what to bring. Help?" I asked. Hopefully he'd actually help instead of being a jerk as usual.

He hummed in thought. "Fine. First get clothes, two pairs of pajamas and stuff for the next day."

"I'm only staying one night," I said, putting him on speaker and opening my dresser, "why two pairs of pajamas?"

"One pair is sexy the other is just pajamas. You don't know what kinda mood they'll be in." I paused with my hands halfway in my dresser drawer. 

"Daichi what the fuck."


I stared up at the beautiful house in front of me. The house was red brick, popping out against the almost to-green-to-be-real grass. The two marble pillars holding up the overhead to the porch were carved with swirling designs, slightly concealed by the ivy growing up them.

I stepped up the few stairs to the front door, looking for a doorbell.

I found one, a small thing really, and pressed it, hearing a muffled tune from inside. It was short and sweet, followed by excited chatter and footsteps coming in my direction.

The doorknob turned and Ochaco smiled widely at me.

"You came!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around my neck.

"Of course!" I said back, hugging her. She ushered me inside, telling me to just put my bags on the floor of the foyer. I put my hands in my hoodie pockets, following Ochaco into a living area.

It was huge. A large flat screen was mounted on the wall above a gorgeous fireplace. The rest of the girls were sitting on the sectional, backs facing me. They turned when they heard us coming, putting down their drinks to greet me.

"(Y/N)!" Mina exclaimed, practically jumping into my arms. She wrapped her legs around my torso, making me quickly put my hands under her to hold her up, spinning in place.

Your gay is showing, your gay is showing.

"I'm so glad you came!" She exclaimed, lifting her head and looking down at me.

"Mina, get off, you're trampling her." Jiro said, rolling her eyes as she took a sip of her drink.

Mina looked down at her position, chuckling.

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