𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢-𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎: 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚎, 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚎

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I rode my way home after I left Ochaco's, face still burning. I changed and walked to a local grocer.

My cheeks still burned pink from my short make out with Yaoyorozu. My body felt hot as I walked down the street holding a few reusable bags.

I entered the store and walked around, gathering the things I needed.

Why would she do that? What the hell? Does she like me? Do I like her? I wanna kiss her again.

I stopped my thinking when I passed the ramen section, standing still to decide between beef and chicken.

"Alright, important decision. Beef or chicken? Chicken or beef? Both?" I pondered for a moment. "Both." I reached up to grab a beef when a hand clamped down on my wrist.

In a panic, I saw a flash of Tomura and wrenched my hand away. I looked up to give the person a piece of my mind and was met with cold blue eyes and a scar.

"Enji?" I asked in confusion. What the hell was he doing here?

"(L/N). How are you?" He asked sternly, looking down on me and raising his eyebrow.

"I'm doing well. And yourself?" I asked, still suspicious of his intentions.

"I'm doing well. I can carry that for you." He said, reaching out for my bag. I finally clicked back into my normal state of mind, breaking away from the suspicious state I was in.

"It's alright, I can manage." I said, adjusting the strap on my shoulder and throwing a few packs of ramen in with my other things.

"How are you and Shoto?" He asked, quickly changing the subject.

Right, he thinks Shoto and I are dating. Play along.

"We're doing well. I'm just glad to be back at home with him." I told him, continuing to walk down the aisle. He followed me, refusing to let this conversation drop.

"I'm sure. When do you go back to work?"

"The day after next. I'm rather looking for to it. I miss my work." I informed him as I grabbed some herbal tea off the shelf. I inspected the label before dropping it in my bag.

"I understand that. You and I are alike in that way." He stated.

I stopped my body from going rigid when he said that, stopping myself from giving away my resentment towards that statement.

I hate the thought that I have anything in common with this man.

"I suppose we are." I said instead of what I wanted to say. I made my way over to the cashier and started unloading my bag and letting the woman scan my items.

"Do you and Shoto have plans for tonight?" He suggests more than asks.

"No, we don't. Why do you ask?" I don't even look at him. Not even a glance.

"Just wondering." The rest of our interaction was complete silence as I paid for my groceries and took my bags.

Enji followed me out of the store and down the street, and when we were finally away from any people I stopped and turned.

"What the hell do you want from me? Why are you following me?" I asked, now furious. He wouldn't leave me alone.

"Fine. You want to yell? Let's yell."

I hadn't yelled, but ok.

"What were you doing with Deku when that photo was taken?" He asked, folding his arms in on his chest.

He looked proud. Like he had broken me; caught me in a lie. But he didn't. He was just so full of pride, all the time. His chest puffs out when he walks; struts! down the street as if he's a god.

"He was walking me home. That's all." My words had an edge as I said then through gritted teeth. Annoyance beamed through my eyes and into his, but his proud stature didn't falter.

"And he came inside your home didn't he?" He said, words filled with anger. His son's "girlfriend" who wasn't even a pro hero might be cheating on him. Why did he even care?

"So what if he did? He's a friend of mine and Shoto's, and I know Shoto will agree with me." I said, trying to keep my calm even though I was furious at the man.

"You're cheating on him aren't you?!" He yelled, leaning down so he was in my face.

"I would never!" I said angrily, raising my voice ever so slightly. Almost loosing my cool. I never did this, I never snapped and yelled at people. I spoke calmly and used logic, but being accused of cheating on a man I'm not even dating ground my gears.

Then a switch clicked. And I realized something.

"You were waiting for me, weren't you?" I asked, just a bit horrified. I remember the ride in the limo to his home, it was particularly long. He lived a ways away, why would he come to the tiny convenience store three blocks from my house? Why would he do his own shopping?

"You sought me out in my neighborhood just so you could accuse me of cheating on my boyfriend?! How dare you!" I yelled, now furious.

"Are you that insecure about your own relationship that you have to butt in on your son's? He's his own man and I'm my own woman. I am infuriated that you think I would cheat on my boyfriend, the man I love! Get yourself together before you even think about accusing me of being unfaithful." I stared him down, trying not to think about making out with Yaoyorozu on my motorcycle. I kept thinking about how it felt so easy to call Shoto my boyfriend. To bad my dad didn't like him. Maybe that's why I liked him so much.

"What are you trying to say (L/N), that I cheated on my wife?" He asked, eye brow raised higher than his expectations for his son.

He looked down at me and I was surprised he could see me over his own arms. I put my hands on his folding arms, yanking him down to my height. I stared into his eyes, narrowing them.

"I wouldn't be surprised."


I put my phone on speaker as it rang, letting the rings fill my kitchen as I put away groceries.

"Hello?" Says a voice once he picks up.

"Shoto, what's up?" I asked, reaching to slide a box into place.

"(Y/N)! It's so great to hear from you!" He exclaimed, excited to hear from me.

"Yeah," I said, chuckling, "it's nice to hear your voice. I wanted to call because I wanted to tell you who I ran into today while grocery shopping." I told him. He paused.

"Who was that?"

"Your father."


Oh damn, Shoto's involved now.

Fun Fact: Flexible is the name of one of (Y/N)'s borrowed/stolen quirks. It allows her to stretch and twist in not so normal ways, with or without training. Due to this, she is (in theory) a very talented gymnast. She got it by making eye contact with a juror at the first court case she was ever a lawyer on.

Reminder: It is ok to have a different opinion. It doesn't make you weird or strange, it makes you unique. I love all of you, no matter what 💞💞💞

This is more of a PSA than anything, MHA/BNHA is thought to begin in the year 2174, so this storyline takes place in the year 2184. Also, the BLM movement is not a trend. It is real. I stand for black lives and so should you.

Ways to help: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co

Over and out.

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