𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇𝚇𝚅𝙸𝙸𝙸: 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚎

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I glanced at the clock in my lobby, clutching the blanket tighter around me.

It was 1:28 AM, and it finally quieted down. Yaoyorozu rubbed my arm, pulling me ever so slightly closer to her. I rest my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes. I still heard the click of my mothers heels as she paced, quietly arguing with my father as he clicked his loafers.

The police had already questioned me (Uraraka informed me that several of our friends were blushing while I talked about Tomura and his tendencies, but then became a fuming mess) and reporters came. I sent them away, saying I would do an interview later in the week. My higher ups called to say that I had mandatory paid leave for two weeks, but they didn't catch me complaining. I needed time to wrap my head around whatever it was that happened to me.

"Agent, you can go. If we have any follow up questions, we'll contact you." An officer says. I drearily lift my head and nod, saying thank you.

My mother walked over, and I buried my face in Yaoyorozu's shoulder, not wanting to see her.

"We're going to take you home dear." She says, rubbing my back. I nod, face still in Yaoyorozu's shoulder. I hate my parents, but I love my home more. Yaoyorozu start running her fingers through my hair, calming me.

"You, come here." I hear my mother say. I jolt my head up, startling Yaoyorozu. I look at my mother, following her finger all the way to a startled Iida, who was turning on his heel to look at her.

"Are you ok?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"You're going to help our daughter home." My mother says.

"I'm fine, I just need to save Iida from our engagement." I say, leaping from my seat.

"Mother, Iida doesn't have to do that, I'm sure he's tired and needs his rest, really, I'll be fine, just drive me home." I say, clutching the blanket with one hand and waving the other in front of me.

"Nonsense. I want a pro hero to escort you home." She retaliates.

"(L/N)-San, I can escort her home if you wish." Shoto says. My parents glare at him.

"Not you." My father says, jabbing his finger into Shoto's chest, "I don't like you."

I turn to Iida.

"Iida, you really don't have to take me home, I'll ride with my parents." I say, desperately trying to get him not to escort me. He tenderly places his hands on my shoulders, staring into my eyes just as I put up a wall.

"(L/N), it's no bother to me. I'll be happy to escort you home." I sigh, flipping my arms so the blanket flies up and lands on my elbows. I place my hands on Iida's chest, pushing him away from my parents, my mother wandering around the lobby (most likely judging everything she saw and making a mental note to lecture me about it later), and my father who glared at Shoto with a fury that rivaled Satan. Shoto just smirked.

"Iida, honey. You don't understand," I say in a hushed voice, "if my parents see you being kind and chivalrous towards me, and I know you will because that's who you are, they will start to like you. They'll push us together more and eventually my mother will ask you to lunch.

"She will then ask to go on a walk with her, during which you will conveniently pass by a jewelry store. She will look in the window and ask what you think of some of them, and she'll ask questions like, 'Will this look good on
(Y/N)'s hand?' 'Will this clash with
(Y/N)'s skin tone?' She'll keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing, until we're engaged. She's done it before, she'll do it again. I don't want that for you. You don't need that to trouble you. So please, for your own sake, don't walk me home."

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