𝚇𝚇𝙸𝙸: 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜

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Kurogiri left me in the room, and I was excited. Someone sent me an email. I couldn't check it now, as that would cause me to submerge in my own headspace, but I'll check it later.

God I hope it's Izuku.

I hope he can get me out.

Light came through a series of small windows near the top of the wall, causing shadows to fall gracefully around the room.

"What's your name?" A girl said, running up to me. Toga Himiko, most wanted female criminal on Japan. Highest female kill rate in recorded Japanese history. Her eyes were wild and crazy.

I swallowed hard. "It's (L/N) (Y/N)." I state. She gets excited.

"Finally, another girl!" She exclaims. "Dabi, isn't she great?" She asks a man on the other side of the room, seizing my arm and grasping it painfully. I wince and she eased her grip a bit.

A figure emerges from the shadows, and wouldn't you know it, it's Dabi.

Hip hip hooray.

He walks over to me, circling me like a vulture. I shift my weight, moving the best I can with Toga's fucking death grip.

"She's cute." He says simply and starts walking back to the shadows.

"You won't be able to do that for long," I say before I can stop myself. Dabi turns around to face me.


"What was that?" Well, too late now.

"I said you won't be able to do that long. Go into the shadows like that. In a few hours, maybe less, the Earth will have spun and the sun will be on the other end of the horizon. That will obviously cause the room to light up, disintegrating the shadows." I explain, looking down.

"So she's smart, huh?" He says, walking back over to me. "What's with the suit?" He asks. I hadn't even realized I was still in my work clothes. My suit was wrinkled now, and my hair was most likely a mess from being held by Shigaraki for hours on end.

"It's my work clothes. I'm a detective. Head Detective (L/N) (Y/N), to be exact." They froze when they heard my name. I got too cocky.

"You put Gigantomakia away, didn't you?" Dabi asks, stepping closer to me. Toga tugged my arm so that I would go into her arms, but I stayed put, barely flinching. Toga then hugged my arm.

"I did."

There was a long pause where he just looked down at me and I looked up at him. "Thank god. I never thought he would shut up but then one day he was gone." Dabi smirked, still looking down at me. "So thanks." I was shocked.

"You're welcome, I guess." He backed off, taking a few steps back.

"You should change. You look like shit."

"Gee thanks." I said back, as Toga started jumping up and down.

"You can wear some of my clothes!" She said gleefully.

"Toga honey," I said, letting my victim voice come out, "I'm not sure I would fit in your clothes." She frowned looking down.

"Well, that's ok! Dabi has clothes that would fit you!" She exclaims, taking my hand and dragging me to a closet in the corner.

"Hey! Toga! Boundaries! We talked about this!" She just giggled in response, making Dabi groan. "Fine."

She went through the racks of clothes, finding me an outfit. I leaned against a wall, rubbing my arms.

"So, why are you here?" Dabi asked, procuring a chair from thin air and sitting on it backwards.

"Tomura brought me here." I say simply, keeping my eyes on my arm.

"Well duh, but why?" He says.

"You have no cute clothes Dabi!" Toga exclaims from the closet.

"Neither do you, but I don't say anything!" Dabi yells back. Toga gasps, taking out a knife and pointing it at him from the back of the closet. We couldn't see her body, so it was just her arm holding a knife sticking out from in between a black cloak and blood stained white shirt.

"Watch it," her muffled voice said.

"He, Tomura, says that he is... in love with me." Toga sticks her head out from the closet and Dabi leans forward.


"Come again?"

"He says he's in love with me. Been stalking me most of my life. When he brought me here, I scrambled his quirk. I made it so he couldn't break any living thing. He wouldn't stop touching me. Holding me, holding my hand, touching my cheek, kissing me, it wouldn't stop." I explain, screwing my eyes shut.

"He's a psychopath. He hasn't been able to touch anyone since he manifested, so that explains the constant contact. But love? I thought he was incapable." Dabi analyzes.

"I don't like the idea of him touching you,
(Y/N). At all." Toga says menacingly, emerging from the closet, a few hangers in hand.

"Yeah." I said, not believing that I was agreeing with her. "Me either."


"What do you mean?" Daichi asked Izuku, taking the laptop from his hands.

"We met up earlier this week so I could learn about her quirk and she told me about this." The green haired man explained, pointing to the computer.

"Okay, I get that, but what did she tell you her ability was? You still haven't told me!" The man exclaimed.

Izuku rubbed his neck, "Oh, right. Well, she hooked her email address to her mind so that when emails are sent to that particular address, she can access them in her mind."

"So, if we send an email to her, she can see it?" Daichi asked skeptically.

"Yes!" Izuku exclaimed.

"(Y/N)'s smart, she could find a way to do that so it's not totally unbelievable. You said you've already sent her something?" Daichi asked kindly.

"I did, just a simple email asking if she received it. I do remember that she said she had no ability to write back yet. So all she'll be able to do is read the email." Izuku explains.

"We'll have to make do then." Daichi opened Izuku's mail account, seeing many emails from prominent hero's in his inbox. Not reading subject lines, he clicked to his Sent Emails.

Right at the top was an email to the address
(y/n)themindreader@gmail.com with the subject line "Hello?"

It was listed as unopened.

Izuku and Daichi stared at the screen for several minutes before Izuku's phone dinged. He took it out, looking at his notification.

"Damn. I have to go, but let me know if she reads it. Please." Daichi didn't say anything, staring at the screen. "Hello?"

"She read it."


If you didn't see the changes I made to my authors note on the last update, the JERKS will be introduced next chapter. This was a mistake on my part, I mixed up my own chapters.

Toga and Dabi are not the jerks I was talking about.

I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you'll understand.

Over and out.

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