𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢: 𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝙷𝚘𝚝

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Iida stared at me a moment, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"That is very admirable of you Agent. I don't think you should be here, but I also think I won't be able to get you to leave. That being said, I think you can help us. Follow me." I nodded at him, following as he took off into the smoke.

I stayed close, not allowing us to be separated.

"Tailman! Cellophane! Hawks! Uravity! Dark Shadow! Follow my voice!" Iida yelled.

I watched as people flew or ran towards us, yelling 'Ingenium!' as a way to locate us.

After a moment, we were all huddled together in the middle of the smoke.

"Were none of you fighting?" I asked, looking at all the faces around me.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but the smoke is so thick I can hardly see anything. It's strange though, it's not affecting my lungs much at all." Ochaco explained.

"Same here," Hawks confessed, "I couldn't find shit."

"This 'smoke' must actually be some sort of fog since it's not affecting our lungs too much." Ojiro thought aloud.

"Whatever it is, we need a way to find villains so we can fight them instead of wandering around looking for them!" Sero exclaimed.

"But how? We've tried to clear the fog but it has to be a quirk since it's not going anywhere."

"I can find the villains." I spoke, making everyone look at me. "I have a setting in my quirk that I can use to see thermal energy, like a heat sensor. I can use that and point you guys in the direction of the villains."

"That's perfect!" Iida exclaimed, squeezing my shoulder. "Can you do that for us?"

"No sweat homie. Just cover me for a sec."

I entered my head space, my vision changing from the fog to my 'monitor.' I quickly snapped on the thermal filter, my vision coming back, this time in vivid color.

"Ok, it looks like we have one over there." I said, pointing to my right. "Their hands are really hot so be careful. That could be part of their quirk."

Someone took off in the villains direction, I couldn't tell who.

I spun around, nervously humming. I spotted someone in the air several meters away, thin and cold.

"Hawks," I said, pointing to the bright blue and green figure, "they're flying and pretty small."

I saw another figure, fairly normal body temperature, getting larger and larger.

"I think someone's coming closer, stay alert." I said, pointing. Someone, from the looks of it Iida, cautiously stepped in front of us.

The villain threw a punch towards Iida's head and they started to fight.

"Okay, you can do this Agent," Sero whispered in my ear, slowly turning me in another direction, "where are some more?"

"Um," I hummed, looking around. I wasn't seeing any bodies, nothing.

I noticed a hunched over figure with really cold hands and feet and assumed it was Pins, his hands weighed down from my ice.

A flash of red appeared in the corner of my vision, disappearing just as fast.

"Wait, there's someone..." I said, trailing off, "they seem to have some sort of- there they are!" I exclaimed as they appeared and disappeared again. "They have a teleportation quirk I think, they keep phasing from place to place."

"Alright, alright, let's see, where were they last?" Sero asked, lightly rubbing my shoulders. Whether it was to calm me or him, I'm not sure.

"There." I said, pointing to where I saw them last. I saw the flash of color again, pointing towards that instead. "Scratch that, it was there."

I saw someone run where I pointed, and I knew it was Ojiro from the heat of his tail.

"Ok Agent, we need you to find where ever the person behind the fog is, who's controlling it, can you tell?" I spun around.

I saw a figure that seemed to be lying on the ground, probably Pitch.

"Ok, either they can't plan for shit, or some got away, there's barely anyone else from what I can tell. I see people fighting and then I see some villains that seem to already be down." I looked up, seeing Hawks in a brawl a few meters away and above us. Nothing else stood out, just people in their buildings looking down on the scene.

An idea popped into my head and I looked down.

"Woah." I breathed out, watching all the people underneath the ground run around. "They're underneath."

"Underneath the roads?" Sero asked.

"I think in the basements of these buildings, in the boiler rooms." I explained. I saw one body that stayed still, arms spread out. "Fuck guys, I think I see the person controlling the fog, they're staying super still."

"That's got to be them then. What building are they under? Can you tell?" He asked.

"Whatever building is right in front of me, but there are a few in the others. You'll need back up." I told him.

"Ok, ok, I'll call them then." Sero's hands left my shoulders and I heard him take out his phone to call someone.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. I didn't see any heat, but the tapping was there.

"Dark Shadow?" I asked cautiously.

He tapped my shoulder twice as a way to say that yes, it was him.

"What is it?" I asked, watching a fight between to people happening behind him.

I felt Dark Shadow grab my chin and spin me around in another direction.

"Wait a minute," I said, my eyes landing on a huge figure, taller than some of the shorter buildings, "that can't be. The equipment was taken away when the heroes ransacked the League's base the first time."

I entered my head space, turning off the heat filter and coming to.

"That can't be." Sero said from behind me.

The figure let out a roar as it got closer, making screams of terror ring out from the people below it. It was huge, you could almost see it through the smoke.

"It is."

"But the equipment was-"

"Taken away, yeah."

"Then how did they make another?!" Sero sounded nervous, scared.

"I don't know. But what I do know Cellophane is that this is a full fledged attack. And the villains brought their own Nomu."

Oop 😳

Fun Fact: Eri is seventeen and a second year at U.A..

Sorry this is late, the next chapter will be out on time, I promise!

Why does dub Kuroo sound like that—😳

Reminder: I know school is stressful. Trust me I know. But take sometime for yourself. Go drink some water, write a bit, read some. Do what makes you happy for a while. Put yourself first, even if it's for just a few hours. I love you. 💞💞

Over and out.

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