55. His anger her misunderstanding

Start from the beginning

She took me near to his office and there i met his secretary.
"Good afternoon Ma'am"
"Good afternoon"
"Ma'am sir is busy in some personal meeting. Please don't mind if i stop you here"
"Personal meeting?"
"Yes actually"
"Let it be. I am his wife and i can be involved in that. Where is his cabin?"

He guided me to his cabin. I saw both his and Rohan's cabin were opposite of each other. Taking a deep breath i knocked on his door and he said "come in"

I got inside his cabin and he raised up his eyes from the file.
"Namrata.. what are you doing here?"
"I brought you some lunch"

I hadn't noticed before that a lady was there infront of him. She slowly turned the chair and i saw her. She was sitting there right infront of me in my husband's cabin who she claimed to be in love with.

"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Well didn't his secretary tell you that some personal meeting is going on here and not to disturb"
"Really? Then this is not so much personal to be not to be known as being his wife Preksha"
Moving towards Aditya I asked him "what is she doing here ?"

He got up from his chair and coming towards me he said "Namrata this is my office. I am here to work and not to get involved in women's fight so tell me why you are here"
"I had brought lunch for you"
"I already had it"
"Its your favourite dishes"
"I said i had done my lunch and this is work place not to sit and eat.. So please leave"
"Namrata leave i said" he said it in a high pitch

I felt insulted infront of Preksha the way he talked to me. I immediately left his cabin. I was in the lift when i realised i forgot the basket. I returned to his floor and walked towards his room. I didn't knock this time and immediately opened the door. And what i saw for a minute i couldn't find what was it?

I saw Preksha was sitting on his lap pressing her front body with his upper body. And i got to know now the reason of ignorance and his anger and his insulting me infront of her.

The tears which i was controlling rolled down from my cheeks.
"You were right Preksha Aditya was way out of my league and he was never mine. Thank you to both of you and Adi so sorry Mr.Aditya specially you.. you won Preksha" saying i immediately left his cabin and ran inside the elevator.

I heard Adi calling my name. Now i am sure why I was getting the thoughts of loosing everyone. I lost my everything now. I lost my Husband the person i love. Thank you God for this thank you.

I booked the cab and immediately got inside. I don't know where to go now. I just want to be alone. Completely alone. My phone was ringing with Aditya's calls. I didn't have the courage to hear him anymore. I put my phone on switch off mode and I went to the beach.

I didn't took the driver because then he would have known where i was. I walked towards the beach and sat there. I couldn't stop to cry now. I have lost everything of my life.

My life has become empty. Nothing is left.. there the love of my life my husband , my family i lost it. I don't have anything now.

I saw the time it was 6:30p.m. I have to plan my life now. And i cant tell anyone about this whatever happened. So i decided to go back to home no not home now its his home and pack my things. And i will leave tomorrow.

Reaching home I saw Siddarth and his family, mom- dad, pari and dadi. Everyone was happy and celebrating. Siddarth came and hugged me..
"Namrata is everything ok?"
"Where were you?"
"I was out for something"

Pari came to me with the phone in her hand and forward it towards me and said "bhabhi bhai wants to talk to you"
"Say him to come to his home then we will"

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