He was standing leaning to the car. Looking absolutely handsome in his business suit, tie and spectacles. Rohan is also standing with his back facing towards us.

He started to move towards me the moment he saw me. I could see the collage girls gawking at him. But his eyes were only at me. I felt a little jealous the way they were looking at him.

Coming up to me he held my hand and many eyes were fixed on us now. "How was the exam?"
"Lets go"

"Hellllooooo beautiful... you forgot your lovely person... this is not fair" saying he took my hand and kissed on my knuckles

"No of course not how can i forget you Rohan"
"Rohan don't even try to flirt with my wife"
"You got no chill Aditya" Rohan said
"Go to your wife and hold her hand and leave hers"
"Don't worry i am holding Namrata's hand just for now and i will hold only Pooja's hand for the lifetime"
"Then leave her hand"
"Guyzz stop it.. and pooja you girl stop laughing" She was laughing continuosly from the start..

"They both are tom and jerry seriously... I can't stop my laugh" she continued to laugh

I took out each side of my hands from both of their hands.. "you three stay here i am going coz i am hungry" saying i started walking fast

"O meri jhansi ki rani wait" i heard pooja..
"You all come later i will go and grab some lunch now" i didn't stop.

I opened the door of the car and was ready to step in and Adi shut the door.. "my queen i am not gonna let you drive"
"Adii please no.. i will drive and go"
"Ok my queen realax and lets get some lunch fast but for that you will sit on passenger seat only"
"Fine" he opened the gate for me and i settled in. Pooja and Rohan went with their car.

"So.. what my lady wishes to eat?"
"I want to have Chinese.. i am dying to eat chinese food"
"Its chinese then"
"Baby what is your plan now"
"To sleep"
"No i am asking in career"
"I have a good offer from private bank and the salary they are paying its good"
"Why don't you join my company"
"No i won't.. I want to create my own identity and if I join you directly then people will say things that i don't want to hear"
"But don't you think it would be great if you join me i mean you can get the highest position"
"I know but its just because you are the owner of the company and i am your wife. "
"You are my wife obviously why not to use the privilege you get"
"Ok tell me will you hire a fresher like me in the post you are saying me to take.. besides i dont want to hear from people that i got for being your wife.. i want to earn it by working hard."
"So you have decided that"
"Ok whenever you want to join me you will be welcomed"
"Thank you"

Having the chinese lunch he dropped me home and went office.

Changing into comfortable dress i decided to get a small nap..


I was feeling very hot no air was there and i was sweating profusely. I heard the sound of heavy rainfall and there was a lightening which shooked me till inside with its sound. I opened my eyes and the room was completely dark. Not a single source of light was there. I moved my hand around and i got a pillow in my hand and i clutched it lightly. Anyhow i got the mobile in my hand and switched on its torch..

Moving down i checked the MCB checked it. It was all correct. Only there is power cut. I turned around and it felt like i saw somebody's shadow. I stared to get cold feet. I immediately went to the kitchen and grabbed the knife and a iron plate.

I could see now the dark man entering the house from the back side. Slowly then he was coming towards me. I was just praying god hiding behind the slab. Isaw the man stood infront of the refrigerator and he opened the door and grabbed bottle and started to drink. I had stopped breathing also as there was a pin drop silence.

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