Chapter 14- He's My Saving Grace

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A/N: Hi there. I haven't updated in a while, and this is really short. But I plan to update soon. Really soon. So yes.


A few announcements:

1. Please don't say rude things about 'Haylor' around me. I will most likely get super offended since most Directioner's feel it's okay to insult Taylor. Umm.., no. It's not. Just don't say anything negative about it around me, or you'll feel the rath. ok.

2. I will be very busy this December. Like c'mon, it's December. But I will try my hardest to update as much as possible.

3. Please check out 'Speak Now' and 'Everything Has Changed' on my page! I will be re-writing EHC soon, so I advise you wait until it's redone xD Umm, also it would mean so much if you checked out 'The Moment I Knew' on JennaAndJoce 's page.

Thanks so much guys, I love you.(: Enjoy!

Chapter 14- He's My Saving Grace:

It had been days since the encounter with Kale at the cafe, but it was engraved into my mind. The way his lips curled as he wished death upon me.

A few months ago, I would have never imagined this happening. Kale and I maintained our long distance relationship for months. But then everything unraveled and here we are.

I'm still amazed that we made it as far as we did. I mean, I'm was on a total different continent. The fact that I trusted Kale for all that time. I should give myself a lot of credit. But at the same time I feel I should be chastising my self for being so naive.

It's crazy how much he's changed. Back in Sherbrooke, he'd surprise me with flowers at school. Bring me Nutella and strawberries when I was PMSing. He made me feel untouchable. No matter how badly I was judged, I just needed Kale to make things better. Now it's vice versa.

His words flooded my mind repeatedly. "I hope you die."

"I hope you die."


I hardly noticed the tears streaming down my cheeks until Harry wiped them away. I feel so immature, not being able to handle situations like this anymore. Having to have Harry solve everything. Gastric cancer isn't just killing me physically, it's killing me emotionally too.

"What's wrong?" A musky voice with a concerned tone asked.

"Just thinking." I peeped.

"About?" He asked.

"My life. My future. Harry, what if I don't make it. I want to make this all worthwhile." I explained.

"I think I know what you need." He grinned that infamous cheeky smile.


I looked down at the almost impossible bucket list that I just created. Some of it was unrealistic, but most of it I felt would get accomplished. Zayn offered to doodle on it for decoration, and I was all for it. I'd never been good at art, and I wanted this to be presentable. Something I can look back to on my bad days. Because now I have hope.

If I can accomplish this, I can accomplish anything. And that's all there is to it.


1. Meet Taylor Swift

2. Eat a red velvet cupcake

3. Visit the CN tower

4. Visit Jasper

5. Go paintballing

6. Help write a song

7. Shop in West Edmonton Mall

8. Play piano at one of 1D's concerts

9. Adopt a kitten

10. Read 1 book a week

11. Have a movie marathon in bed all day

12. Kiss in the rain

13. Make a twitter account

14. Post 500 photos on Instagram before my surgery

15. Visit dad in Afghanistan

Maybe all I needed was a little bit of hope.

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