Chapter 8- What's up his butt?

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HOLAAAA! Haha, hey guys. So first thing I want to say is that i'm almost at 400 reads! So pumped! You have no idea! Next thing is that i'd like to thank all of you lovely competitors who submitted a name for the last chapter! But, the winner is, CASPER! Because he was the only one who actually participated ;D Haha, totally kidding. Even though casper the ghost is my best friend. Whatever though xD So uhm, in this chapter, you find out some pretty big news about Keira's past. So prepare yourselves! Also, the song on the side is for the ending of this chapter xD I'm absolutely in love with the song and I thought it suited it so yeah xD Sorry if it's short! 

~Jenna c:


Chapter 8- What’s up his butt?

*Keira’s Point Of View*

I awoke to somebody shaking me. My eyes fluttered open, discovering that it was Alice. I smiled politely before being bombarded with my breakfast. Pancakes. Again.

Alice began to exit the room and I pushed the cart away. I wasn’t in any mood to eat. For all I know, they could have crushed up medication and mixed it in with the batter to make sure I would actually take the pills. No way was that happening. I need Kennedy. I won’t do anything without her.

Alice swiftly turned around with a frown displayed on her face. “Look, Keira, I know you don’t want to eat. But you need to. You aren’t going to get any better if you don’t.”

I raised my eyebrows at her. “Fine. What’s in them?” I asked with suspicion flowing through my mind.

“What do you mean?” She said, slowly walking back to inspect the pancakes. “Do they not look edible or something?” she said, worry in her voice.

“No, I mean what medication is in them. If I keep refusing to take them, you’re going to have to figure out a way to make me take it.” I said, matter-of-factly.

Alice broke out in laughter. “Keira, I don’t even think that’s legal! Now eat up.”

“No.” I said sternly. Did she seriously just laugh at my theory? Rude.

“I will sit here until you eat them, and I’m not kidding.” She said.

A few minutes passed of me picking at my nails, and Alice watching me like I was a new born puppy. I was getting tired of the tension in the air.

“When can I see Kennedy?” I blurted out.

“Kennedy is your friend, right? She asked, and I nodded. “You can’t. Not until you have a parent or guardian’s permission. I’m sorry.” She said, a soft smile on her face.

“So, you expect me to somehow get a hold of my father, who is in Afghanistan, fighting for world peace, or somehow tell my dead mother to come give you her signature?” I snapped, out of frustration.

Alice had absolutely no response to that. She noticed the tears brimming my eyes, and rubbed circles on my back while I let everything out.

*Kennedy’s Point of View*


I opened my eyes, and saw three boys jumping on my bed. What in the world? I rubbed my eyes, and let them focus on the chaos in front of me.

A smile formed on my face as I realized where I was and who was waking me up. Louis, Niall and Harry jumped up and down in front of me, which made a smile grow on my face. I sprung up, and joined in on the fun.

After about ten minutes, Zayn entered the room, looked peeved. What was up his butt?

“Guys! We were supposed to be gone fifteen minutes ago! Hurry up, Liam’s not going to be happy.” he said, and stormed off. Whoa. Major attitude problems, much?

I looked at Louis, who burst out laughing. “He’s just not a morning person.” He informed me. I nodded, suddenly feeling more in the loop.

I hopped down from the bed, and took a quick shower. I brushed my teeth with my finger after realizing I didn’t have a toothbrush with me, and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I then pulled on my clothes from yesterday. After finishing getting ready, I took a peek in the mirror.

My eyes popped out with lime green flowy tank top I had on. I was also wearing some beige skinny jeans, and some feather earings. I figured I looked good enough to pull it off two days in a row. 

*Louis Point of View* 

I peeked in Kennedy’s room to see if she was almost ready. She was putting earings in and looking at herself in the mirror. She’s beautiful. Her eyes were a light blue, and were so easy to get lost in. So lost, that I almost didn’t notice her, while she noticed me.

“Spying on me, Lou?” She asked with a bright smile.

“Haha of course!” I replied with a grin.

She took a few steps closer and poked my cheek. I made a funny face and we both started cracking up. 

We sat down on her bed while she but on her shoes and I finally grew the confidence to tell her what I’ve been thinking.  

“Kennedy?” I asked nervously.

“Yes Lou?” she said, clearly occupied by the buckle on her shoe.

“Welli’vebeenthinkingaboutthisandiknowwehaven’tknowneachotherlongandireallylikeyouandi’dliketoknowyoubettersoiwasthinkingmaybeyoucouldbemygirlfriend.” I said, without taking one breath.

She looked up at me with the biggest smile, and a look of confusion on her face. “Slow down Lou, I couldn’t understand you. Say it again. But slower.”

“Well, uhm, I’ve been thinking about this and I know we haven’t known each other long and I really like you and I’d like to know you better so I was thinking maybe you could be my girlfriend...” I repeated.

She tackled me on to the bed. What the hell? Did I say something wrong? I looked at her, and once again she had a huge smile plastered on her face. I’m so confused.

“Of course Lou.” she said, making my whole day ten times better.

I stood up and did a little happy dance. She laughed and joined in. As she came closer, I pulled her into me and kissed her softly, for the first time.

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