Chapter 11: Face Palmed

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A/N: hi guys c: sooooo sorry I haven't updated lately.. I've been busy, and I had a humongous writers block. Oh and sorry if this is really stupid and pointless.. Like I said, writers block and its sort of a filler.

Also, it would be really amazing if you guys checked out my other Fan Fiction. It's called Speak Now, and it's about a teenage girl named Moxie, who works at a wedding planning business and runs into her ex, Harry Styles.

Also, my best friend Jocelyn and I are writing a colab story. The prologu is written, I just need to make a cover and then it will be posted. You can find it on @JennaAndJoce (:

It's about a girl named Bridget, who is forced to move across the country with her mom and step dad, where she gets teased. Eventually, Bri catches one of her 'haters' cheating on her boyfriend, who also happens to be her crush. 

If you read them, I'll love you forever. Thanks guys. :)(:



CHAPTER 11- Face Palmed


What the hell? I peeled my eyes open, casting my gaze upon my phone, that had been vibrating. I guess I fell asleep right after I texted Kale last night. Wait, maybe he texted me back.

Nope, because he was calling me. I self consciously straightened my hair out with my hands, before I remembered he wouldn't be able to see me.

"Hello?" I answered, longing to hear his voice. The voice I had fallen in love with.

"Keira.. Are you alright?" He asked, a worrisome tone wrapped in his voice.

"Yeah.. I'm fine.. Why?"

"Kennedy. She told Roxy everything, Keira. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" A knotted feeling developed in my gut. Were we fighting? Like really?

"The gastric cancer, Keira. You're sick. You never told me."

"Kale, I'm sorry.. Honestly, I didn't find out all that long ago. Everything's been so.. Stressful and crazy lately I haven't really had time to even think." I rambled, being cut off before I could start on a new sentence.

"I'm coming to see you Keira. I'll be there tomorrow, Kenny already knows."

And with that, the line went dead.

A sigh escaped my mouth. Dee must be a lot more that pissed right now. She hates Kale, for what he did to me. But I don't care. I'm excited to see him, especially if it might be the last time.

Almost right on cue, my phone began to ring again, notifying me of another call.

"Yaaaallo?" I said when I picked up, knowing it was Kennedy.

"You're not going to believe this.." She trailed off.


"PLANE TO LONDON BOARDING NOW." Read the loud, yet annoying voice of the over peppy woman over the speaker.

I breathed in deeply, before turning to give a hug to Roxy. She was miserable she couldn't come with, but she understood. It was my mistake, and I needed to fix it.

"Bye Rox, I'll text you when I get there." I told her, taking a few small steps toward the exit while I waited for her to reply.

"Okay, I love you." She said before making her way back to the parking lot.

Before I knew it, I was aboard the plane waiting to take off, to see my baby girl.


Keep Calm, Carry On. (One Direction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora