Chapter 1- It's Legit

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So uhmmm HAY GIRLSIES AND BOYSIES. So uh, this is my first story. Give it some love? c:

I decided that Rachelle Lefevre from The Twilight Series (She plays Victoria) is going to be Keira. But just younger.. obviously. Haha. ALRIGHTY THEN. GET READING!

Chapter One- It's Legit


“Pssst, Kennedy!” I whispered to my best friend, trying to grab her attention. She whipped her head around and whispered back. “What?” “Ugh, do you know what the answe-“

“Ms. Grant, Ms. Reed! I’m almost positive that this is geography class, rather than one of your gossip sessions! Pay attention!”

“God damn.” I mumbled under my breath. I slowly reached down into my billabong tote, noticing that I got a text. I stealthily read the text. It was from Kale, the one guy I loved entirely. More than I loved music. More than I loved my family. Basically, I loved him more than life itself.

Kale and I have been dating for 2 years and eight months. We grew up together, since one of my best friends was his sister. Her name was Roxy. She was one of the most caring, but straight-forward people I have met in my entire life.

I quickly looked down at my screen on my iPhone 4s. “Babe, I miss you. Come home soon? (:”

I smiled faintly, feeling a pang of guilt. That was the biggest downside of being in London, at Willow Gate Boarding School, with Kennedy. I missed Kale like a child misses their blanket. The was his hand fit in mine, the way he looked at me, and the way his lips felt against mine. I bit the inside of my cheek intensely, willing myself not to cry. “Be a woman, Keira” were the words that played out in my head.

I looked up at the board to see what was going on. I quickly decided that it was nothing new, anxious to text Kale back.

My thumbs darted across the keyboard, typing out: “In class, Baby. I’ll text you when I get home. I love you <3" 

I tossed my phone back inside of my tote, and stared at the back of my best friends head, trying to use my glare to make her turn around. After two minutes of burning a hole in the back of her head, I gave up. 

*20 minutes later*

I strode out of the classroom, anxious to get back to my dorm that I shared with Kennedy. 

 After walking for several minutes in silence, I broke the ice. “Kale texted me in the middle of class.” I blurted out to her. “He did? What’d he say? That he loves you?” She replied, as we slipped into our room.

“No, he said he misses me. I miss him too, but I can’t just leave. Exams are soon, and I just can’t.” I complained.

“Well summer is in a couple of weeks! Why don’t you grab a ticket back Sherbrooke for a week or two?” she suggested, as she pulled out her laptop.

“Great idea! Let me just pull the money for that, straight out my ass!” I added sarcastically.

“Shush, I’m just trying to help.” Kennedy put on the most ridiculous pouting face ever, making me burst out laughing.

“Oh my gosh, Dee, you look hilarious!” I responded, grabbing my phone to take a picture.

“Shush!” She covered her face. Kennedy was gorgeous with her long blonde hair and angel-like blue eyes, but she hated the camera. “Now look, the tickets are only $350.99! You should get them!”

“I don’t have that kind of money.. Maybe he could come here!” I suggested.

“Roxy should come too! It would make the summer so much better. I miss my Nova Scotians!”

Being among a crowd of foreign students, there was only a handful of Canadians. Coming from the coast, we had our own little accent that made us stand out. Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia would always be home. It’s where I was born and raised.

I softly stretched out over my bed, reading through Kale and I’s texts. A smile progressed over my freckled face, and I tapped a new message.

“Kale, I don’t think I can afford to come home this summer.. But Kennedy and I were thinking that you and Roxy should fly out here to London. Maybe we could go to a few concerts, and do a lot of touring around the country! Sound fun? (:” 

I pressed send, anticipating his reply. ‘Dee, pass me your laptop.”

“What? Why? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO MY BABY?” She slammed it shut and hugged it to her chest forcefully.

“Calm yourself, I just want to look at some concert tickets.. We should try and go to a couple this summer!”

She paced over to my bed, handing it over. I opened it up, and typed in the address bar. I was interupted by my phone vibrating. 

My hand shot inside my pocket, grabbing my phone, revealing the new text from Kale.

“Sounds like a plan Babe(: I’ll look for tickets when I get home from work. I have to go, gotta customer. Love you.”

As I read the last few words, my stomach fluttered. Hearing those words never got old. Never.

I looked over the text one more time. I stood up and started dancing on my bed. Kennedy doubled over, from my outrageous moves im assuming.

I flopped down back on my butt, and blushed. “I’m offended.” I said, fake crying. Kennedy hurried over to me, trying to comfort me. “Keira, I’m sorry! You looked great! Don’t cry Hun!”

I lifted my head and grinned. She hit my arm playfully, and I laughed. “Kale’s gonna look for tickets for him and Rox!” I announced.

“Legit?” she asked wide eyed.

“Yes, Dee, legit!”

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