Chapter 9- Put Me In A Trance

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AUTHORS NOTE: Heeeeeey guys! I've been busy, I haven't updated in like a month, I know. So sorry! Schools started now, but I'll still have lots of time to write and update, no worries!

Anywaaaays, this chapter is actually kind of exciting... I wanted to write more, but you guys will just have to wait!(: Sorry if it's short /: Enjoy!

 ps: the song on the side is the one that Louis is humming! Haha, hope you like it!

Chapter 9- Put Me In A Trance

*Louis’ Point of View*

I sat in the middle seat of the van next to Kennedy twiddling my thumbs and humming Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae. Kennedy constantly checked her phone. Everytime she pulled it out to send another text, I’d read it to see who she was talking to. Somebody named Roxy? I wonder if she’s a red head! You know, like a fox! Because Roxy rhymes with Foxy, and you get my point.. I hope. Anyways, She kept quickly typing out messages about what had happened in the last few days. I could tell she was stressed out and that made me uncomfortable. Even though we had just started dating, I didn’t like seeing her like this.

I slowly patted circles on her back and listened to Niall and Zayn’s conversation that was coming from behind me. 

“I bet if we had a vote, all the fans would say I have better hair!” Zayn exclaimed, taking pride in his hair.

“No way, buddy. All the fans love my blonde locks!” Niall bragged.

This conversation just kept progressing and progressing. I ignored them for a while and paid attention to Liam and Harry, who were in the front of the van, arguing over which radio station to keep on. 

Out of nowhere, Kennedy finally spoke up. 

“Niall, Zayn, when we get back to the flats, you can go on Facebook and see what the fans actually like, okay? And Liam and Harry, leave it off or I’ll start singing and you sure as hell don’t want that to happen.” she blurted out.

I interlocked our fingers to hopefully calm her down a bit, as I saw a blushed expression shoot across the lad’s faces. My woman’s feisty.

The rest of the ride to the hospital was a complete bore. I continued to twiddle my thumbs and hum to that Hot Chelle Rae song, until Zayn rudely commented for me to shut up so he could sleep. Party pooper.


We finally made it to the hospital, and Kennedy was looking extremely stressed out. The concert was about to start in about fifteen minutes; all the nurses had gone to fetch all the patients who were eager to see us perform. I had a feeling in my gut that I’d feel really good after this, as we didn’t have a lot of time to do charity events like this.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom, by the time you get back I’ll probably be gone to find Keira, so don’t worry about me.” Dee said, with a faint smile on her face. 

She was about to walk away as I pulled her back into me for a hug. She instantly caught on, and hugged back. Before she could leave, I planted a faint kiss on her lips. 

She walked away smiling, looking down at her phone. I watched her stride down the hall, then turned back to the lads to prepare for the small gig.

*Keira’s Point of View*

People Magazine. Hmm, sounds interesting. While I waste my life away here, I think I’m going to read on all the gossip going on in the outside world.

I picked up the small book, and began to flip through it. Lindsay Lohan, Angelina Jolie, and Paris Hilton. Who really cares? Getting frustrated with the head strong celebrities who think the run the world, I flopped the magazine down on the side table, and let out a long sigh.

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