Pokemon........ A Training Start

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Chapter 1

It’s been a while since we have last seen our pokemon heroes. After we have last seen him making an astonishing top two in the Unova league Ash is taking a new path.

We rejoin Ash along with Iris and Cilan as they embark on a whole new adventure the Xentru region. But unlike other regions this region has no league! So what exactly is our Ash doing this time?


“Come ON hurry up or we are going to miss the Ferry!! Let’s go Pikachu!” As usual Ash was in a hurry as he hurriedly left a panting struggling Iris and Cilian far behind.

“He’s such a KID!!”  Iris exclaimed “The boat doesn’t leave for another half hour. He just ran off down the hill leaving us for what?”

“Huff huff, this aroma reeks of impatience, something that we should be accustom to with Ash by now.” Cilan said. “Instead of complaining we should be rushing, this boat according to professor Juniper is never late and always early.”

“What?! What are we waiting for then? Lets go!!” Iris pushed Axew back into her hair before swinging up on a vine to head down to the harbour passing a cloud of rushing dust that was Ash.

“Wait!! What about me??” Cilian yelled before he too ran off.


The boat was a normal huge cruise liner filled to capacity. Filled with, tourists, trainers, co-ordinators, coinissours. Anyone who could compete in the upcoming events was certainly on the first boat out to Xentru. The only reason Ash was going was to compete in the training events and tournaments that were offered there. There were no official pokemon contests, but there were training camps and tournaments for co-ordinators which was good for those wanting to make themselves better. Just like Ash wanted to do.

Like before Ash carried only the pokemon he had started out with, Pikachu. If he needed anyone else he would send for them. Ash rested against the railing of the boat, Pikachu on his shoulder. This feeling was a familiar one, just him and Pikachu starting all over again, on their way to be the best they could...

“Piiika?” Pikachu twisted on Ash’s shoulder tipping Ash’s hat over his eyes

“Huh? What’s that Pikachu? Something wrong?” Pikachu was looking over at something, no someone standing not too far away.  Straight back, purple hair....

“Hey it’s PAUL!!” the person turned around with a frown on their face until they saw who it was. It was Paul, and he was talking to...

“Wait, Drew!!”


Paul, Drew, Ash, Iris, Cilian and Pikachu sat at a booth table near a fire.

“I can’t believe the coincidence that you all know each other and battled each other, now you are off to the same place.” Iris said

“Axew!!” Axew said appearing from Iris’s hair

“Not now Axew.” Iris pulled him from her hair and dropped him on her lap mimicking Ash and Pikachu nearby.

“Yeah, I know right.” Drew said a smile on his face. “Unlike Ash and Paul, I’m really into co-ordinating, but co-ordinators have to be really strong too in fact it shows your bond with Pokemon even better. Some champions like Wallace are the best Gym Leaders, Top co-ordinators as well as Pokemon champions.”

“Wow I’ve never heard it put in that light before.” Cilian commented “That is a unique way to look at it but how do you know Paul if he collect gym badges and you co-ordinate?”

Pokemon........ A Training Start (Pokemon Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now