Ch. 95: Nosy

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"I think we should go for it."

Ana was tapping her pen on the table, lost in deep thoughts of whether or not to have the wedding shortly after my tour ended, or if we should wait until our baby was born. Horrible thoughts about losing her either during the pregnancy or during labor, were haunting my mind. Probably hers, too. But neither of us said anything out loud.

"Why?" she suddenly asked.

"Wouldn't it be better if we waited until afterwards, so I can have a pretty gown and look a little more presentable?"

"Presentable? You'll look amazing either way, Ana. If anything, you'll look even more gorgeous carrying my child."

"Yeah, but I'd rather carry him or her in my arms," she mumbled.

I cradled my arms around her from behind and kissed her cheek. Then she suddenly snapped her head around and grabbed the piece of paper she was writing on.

"You're not supposed to look!" she exclaimed, and hid whatever it was by folding it and clenching it against her chest.

"I wasn't! Honestly!" I yelped. And that was actually true. I'd sort of given up trying to find out anything about the wedding now. I only made a few half-hearted attempts now and then, knowing fully well that she wouldn't even let me come near the folder in which she stored everything. And it was getting pretty full of notes and papers by now. Even a few brochures as far as I could see.

"I just thought you needed a hug. You look exhausted."

She sighed and looked sad.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"I'm doing exactly what Sophia told me not to do."

"And what did she tell you?"

"That I'm snappy and grumpy all the time, and that I take it out on everyone around me. But I can't help it, darn it! It just..." 

"I know, baby," I chuckled. She wasn't wrong, though.

"Don't worry about it. I know the reason," I smirked and pointed at myself.


Ana giggled and playfully shoved me.

"No seriously, Michael. Can you please tell me to shut up when I'm behaving all crazy?"

"You want me to yell at you like a little kid?" I snorted.


I slid down on the seat next to her and stole a kiss. Then I gave her a stare that made her a bit flustered. The stare.

"But I can always punish you a little bit."

Ana's cheeks flamed up and her eyes flickered from place to place in the room until they found mine. She had her lips pressed tight but I knew she wanted to say something. Yet she didn't. So to tease her a little, I leaned in closer and lowered my voice.

"Or Mr. Diaz can do it."

Scary thoughts about what happened last time I was rough with her while she was pregnant, flashed through my mind, and I quickly toned it down.

"But I promise he will behave."

"And if I don't want him to behave?" she challenged quietly, still with charmingly red cheeks. I leaned even closer, so my lips touched her earshell and my breath fanned her neck.

"We can save the physical deeds for later, because Mr. Diaz has other ways to punish you than just splitting your pussy in half. And I promise it'll drive you wild either way."

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