Ch. 6: Road trip

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"No! Seriously!" I protested, while Sophia rummaged around in my closet and pulled out some clothes that she stuffed into a bag.

"For the last time: You are going, and you can't say no because I already spoke to your dad about it. You have both today and tomorrow off, so you're coming with me whether you like it or not."

I crossed my arms defiantly in front of me, and watched her disappearing into the bathroom to get some toiletry and probably my makeup too, judging by the clothes she'd picked out. I was just grateful it wasn't anything promiscuous....this time.

"Not unless you tell me where we're going."

She peeked her head out of the bathroom with pursed lips, locking her mouth with a pretend zipper. Then she smirked.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

She disappeared into the bathroom again, cackling loudly while she scrambled through my stuff. There wasn't anything new about that, because we often went through each other's things and borrowed clothes and whatnot. But her being totally quiet about where we were going was something new. And I wasn't sure if I liked that kind of new.

"Where's that perfume you always wear? Not the Tom Ford one. The other."

"Jimmy Choo. On the little shelf ab..."

"Found it!"

I took a deep breath in frustration over my best friend. She usually never kept things from me. Why now?

"Soph! Tell me where we're going!" I groaned, and dumped down on my bed. But I got pulled straight up again as soon as she came back out, before she started pushing me towards the door, dragging my bag after us.

"Don't worry. It only takes a few hours to get there."

"A few hours?!"

She nodded innocently and blinked her eyes.

"Three to be more exact, if we're lucky with the traffic."

"So we're going by car?" I asked and squinted at her. And she smirked secretively back.

"You're too clever. But not clever enough."

"Hey!" I snorted, then yelped when she shoved me out of my apartment.

"My phone and my keys!" I exclaimed, but Sophia just shook her head.

"I've got your keys, but your phone stays here. Your parents know you're with me anyway, so they'll call me if necessary.


"No buts. Get your pretty, little behind in the car and lean back. We're going on a road trip."

But then she gasped and ran back inside, only to come dangling with my gold strap heels in her hand moments after. And I groaned.

"You couldn't pick the black ones instead?"

"Nope. Gold it is. Four inches gold. Gosh, this is so exciting!"

"I would be happy to share your joy if I only knew where you're taking me," I mumbled as I climbed into the passenger seat. But Sophia pretended like nothing, and threw my stuff into the back seat on top of hers. Then she jumped in, turned the ignition on and smirked.

"You can thank me later, girl. In the meantime, just sit back and enjoy the ride."

And so I did. Hanging out with Soph always put me in a good mood, and when she was excited like this, it was impossible not to join her when she sang to the radio.

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