Ch. 58: Coffee table

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Our hands were tied on our way from the limo to the elevator, and once again we got knowing looks from the staff and some of the guests. But right now we didn't care. And when Michael ordered Bill to take the other elevator, I giggled silently and felt slightly embarrassed. He made it so obvious! And I was right. As soon as the doors closed, he pushed me up against the wall and covered my lips with his, and we started making out like two hormonal teenagers. At least I had an excuse being pregnant, but it seemed as though he was just as turned on as I was. But as soon as the elevator doors opened, we pulled away, panting and lusting for more.

He quickly checked if the corridor was empty, in case we had to wait until Bill got here. But we were alone. Normally we would giggle and talk on our way to the room, but right now our focus was elsewhere. Both of us needed to put out the fire that burned ferociously in our bodies. And we barely heard the ding that told us that Bill had entered, when we slammed the door shut before he could say anything. Then we continued to kiss like our lives depended on it.

I could feel his bulge hard against my pelvis, when he pulled me tight and rocked his hips gently. And to increase the delightful pressure, I lifted my leg a little to give him better access. He didn't waste his time. He cupped my ass and almost lifted me off the ground while he grinded me harder, and for a brief moment I felt sorry for Bill that probably stood outside listening to our muffled sounds. Because it was impossible to stay silent. I felt too good to manage to hold it in. And it didn't make it better that Michael murmured quietly into my ear, with the voice that made my body shiver all over. No matter how hard I bit my lip as a distraction, he pushed the buttons that he knew would drive me crazy.

"That's right, baby. Let me hear it again," he mumbled against the skin on my neck, before he kissed his way up and along my jaw, until his tongue assaulted mine so heavenly.

"Jodidamente amo esto," I moaned, and grasped at the buttons on his shirt.
(I fucking love this.)

"That's right, Ms. Martinez. Do you want me to fuck you? Or do you want to make love?"

"¡Si! Follame. Follame duro."
(Yes! Fuck me. Fuck me hard.)

I heard him chuckle a bit.

"I don't know what that means, but it's hot as fuck."

"Ahhh... Fuck me!" I panted against his shoulder, and finally managed to unbutton the last one on his shirt. There was nothing better than to feel the warmth of his chest, and inhale his smell. And right now he smelled sex.

"As you wish, milady."

He turned me around and placed my hands on the door I'd been pushed against, and he quickly pulled down my leggings. Then his fingers skillfully cupped my area and immediately discovered the moist between my legs. But he grunted, clearly annoyed.

"What did I tell you about wearing panties?"

He tugged at them, and I quickly protested.

"Please don't ruin them! I'll just take them..."

His fingers had sneaked inside them, as he smoothly moved the fabric just enough to feel how wet I was. And I blushed when I heard the quiet sound of my vagina being fingered so skillfully. So the last word in my sentence came out as a groan of satisfaction. Helplessly I grinded against his hand, trying to stifle my need for him. But even though I pushed against him, wanting his fingers to go deeper, he took his sweet time. And I got frustrated.

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