Ch. 66: Meet the Jacksons

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"God, I'm so nervous," I whined. But honestly, 'nervous' didn't even come close to how terrified I felt. They would probably hate me. I wasn't a famous model or big shot lawyer, that definitely would have suited Michael way better than me. I didn't even come from an upper class family like they'd probably prefer. Although we weren't quite middle class either. We were somewhere in between. And the fact that I got pregnant after a one night stand with their son and brother, really wasn't much to brag about.

"Relax, baby. They'll love you just as much as I do."

He came over, coiled his arms around me and gave me that special look I knew so well. The one that made my panties unpleasantly creamy. And even now when I was a nervous wreck, he managed to distract me a little.

"Maybe not in the same way, though," he added with a smirk, leaning his forehead against mine. Then our attention was drawn to the door as the doorbell rang. And without waiting for it to be opened, they all came barging in like a flock of sheep. Except... It wasn't everyone.

"Marlon and his wife are on their way. They had a little incident with their car."

"Incident? They're okay, I hope?" Michael asked with immediate concern.

"Yeah. I'm not quite sure if it was the car that was the problem. I'm not even sure if there was a problem at all. She's..."

"Shh, Jackie!" a woman hissed, who I immediately recognized as Janet.


"You just never know when to shut up, do you?"

I giggled nervously and shook their hands in turn. I even got a hug from both Janet and Michael's mother, Katherine. And even though I felt a bit overwhelmed, I relaxed somewhat when their conversation went on about everything and nothing. But only a little. At least I wasn't the center of attention.

"Really? They're trying for another one? That's..."

"...too late? Yeah, I know. I think it's the midlife crisis or something."

"Jermaine! That wasn't nice. What they do or don't do is none of your business," Janet scolded and rolled her eyes. Then she stepped closer to me and whispered.

"It probably is too late. They've tried for a while, but... You know. Still, it's unnecessary to say it out loud."

Then she smiled her million dollar smile and hugged me again.

"You on the other hand. I'm so pleased to meet you and to welcome you into our family. Lilliana, was it?"

I just got to nod, before she continued.

"I don't know what the heck you've done to my brother, but promise me to never stop. I've never seen him this happy."

I blushed when she placed her hand on my belly.

"And you, little one. I'm your aunt, and I can't wait to meet you."

Then she removed her hand just before it got awkward, and a man pushed his way around her. He had a smile just as wide as his sister and gave me a wink that probably was supposed to be charming, and his hair was... Unusual.

"Hello there, gorgeous. I'm Jermaine. Damn, I can see Mike wasn't joking when he said... Ugh!"

He groaned in pain when Michael elbowed him in the stomach.

"Get lost, Jerm. You should manage behave civilized like other people, even though Alejandra isn't here."

I tried not to giggle, but it wasn't easy. And when Jermaine gave me a shrug and made a face behind Michael's back, I gave up.

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