Ch. 62: I'm sorry

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"Michael! Can you please stop filling the house with God knows what?"

"But we need..."

"No, we don't need a truck load of sculptures and art. I don't even know where to put it!" I yelled over the phone.

"Besides, I would rather that you were here so we could pick out things together and not just stuff the house full of furniture we don't even know if we need."

"Okay, I'm sorry. But I just saw it..."

"Seeing it doesn't mean you have to buy it," I scolded.

"Look, I really would appreciate it if you would let me be a part of this too. After all, it's me that's gonna stay here the most."

Michael was silent for a moment, probably thinking about what I said.

"So... Should I have it returned?"

I sighed.

"No. It's okay. Just stop buying all sorts of stuff over my head. We're two about this, right?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

There was a tiny pause before he spoke up again.

"So, is everything ready for the big anniversary tomorrow?"

"I think so. Sophia has helped me a lot, and thanks to her it's still a secret."

"Oh? They almost figured out?"

"Yeah, mom walked in on us while we were going through the guest list and the food. But Sophia pretended to vomit, which made mom do a sudden u-turn and leave."

"Quick thinking," he giggled.

"The catering will be there half an hour after it starts," I continued.

"Sounds good. But how do you manage to get them there without them getting suspicious?" he asked, and I bit my lip.

"Now that's a good question. We haven't figured that out yet."

"How about a kidnapping?"

I giggled.

"I don't think..."

"But it would be great! Then they would be so shocked that they don't even want to know where they're going. And just to add a little drama, we can put bags over their heads."

"We?" I questioned.

"Yes. Leave it all to me, Ana. I'll take care of it. Just make sure they're at the hotel near the lobby at six. Okay?"

I laughed and shook my head, even though he couldn't see me.

"Okay. Thank you."

"Great! I gotta go now. I love you," he said eagerly.

"I love you more," I said, knowing that I stole his line. But he just scoffed.



Mom and dad arrived with bags over their heads, just like Michael said, and I could see on their body language that they were quite shook. Dad tried to negotiate with the large men that had kidnapped them, Matt was one of them, but couldn't get through. Not until they got released, and everything went quiet. The 'kidnappers' joined the crowd that was waiting in anticipation, and as soon as they pulled off their bags, everybody yelled: 'SURPRISE!'

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