Ch. 14: What a mess...

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Lilliana had fallen asleep again after finally managing to keep some food down. I must admit that I was a little worried about her. She seemed so weak that I would not under any circumstance let her go back to Spain and work in her condition. She needed rest. And if the nausea kept being as bad as this, I would make sure she got something to keep it more under control. At least so she could eat. So I called up my manager to get a few things sorted out. And not even a minute later, he knocked on the door.

"That was fast," I said in surprise.

"I was already on my way up here," he growled.

"What the hell do to think you're doing?!"

"Shhh! Keep it down! She's asleep, and don't you dare wake her up," I whisper-yelled through my teeth. And the glare I got in return told me what he meant about that case. But I didn't care. I'd kick him out if he didn't listen.

"That interview was important, Michael. And the meeting with commissioner Walter? Do you have any idea how many people that were waiting for you there?"

I must admit that I felt bad about it, but it was the right thing to do.

"I had to tell them something urgent came up..."

"...which is true!" I interrupted as loud as I dared. I checked the bedroom door. It was still closed and I hoped she was fast asleep in there.

"Yes, but they need to get an explanation, dammit. There are already speculations in the media about you having a mental breakdown."

I laughed.

"Let them believe that."

"What? No! I can't tell her that. And do you know how damaging that would be for your career?"

"Commissioner Walter is a woman? I thought it was a man."

There was a short angry silence between us, until he sighed with a dissatisfied grimace.

"Who is this girl?"

"Lilliana Martinez."

I figured it was best to call her by the name she normally used, to avoid misunderstandings.

"I met her in Spain..."

"But that's only a few weeks ago. If she already knows she's pregnant, the baby can't be yours."

"No, not then. I met her before that. About three months ago, and that's how far into the pregnancy she is."

"So she's really pregnant? She's not just..."

"Without a doubt."

"And the child is yours?"

"Yes. But she needs a doctor."

Dieter raised his eyebrows.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

I thought for a moment. I was worried about the nausea, but what if there was something more than that?

"She's so nauseous and tired all the time."

"All the time? Michael... She's been here for what? Four hours?"

"Almost six," I corrected, but Dieter gave me a blank stare.

"You do know that fatigue and nausea are completely normal at this stage in the pregnancy, right? Then they get horny the second trimester, and cranky the last."

I coughed.


Dieter smirked.

"You'll find out soon enough."

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