Ch. 38: Irritation de luxe

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Author's note: If anyone speaks Spanish here, I'd appreciate if someone could translate the conversation Ana has with the security men. I don't trust Google translate enough.


"What the hell is this?" I exclaimed when I saw two guys walking in and out of my apartment when I got home. And when I came closer, I could even see a third guy dealing with a fistful of cables that he was busy connecting to a little screen they'd put up on the wall right next to the door.

"How did you get in?!"

Neither of them answered, and I felt the anger exploding in slow motion inside me.

"You've got the wrong apartment, idiots! I never ordered anything. What are you even doing?"

"It's the new security system, senorita. Mr. Jackson ordered the best..."

"I knew it!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

"That... That... Man!"

Instead of finding the right word to call him, I picked up my phone, found his number and pressed 'call'. But several moments went by without him picking up, until I finally hung up and threw it on the couch. Then I threw my body onto the couch too, receiving a sharp poke from edge of my phone.

"Ow..." I groaned. Then I wiggled just enough to get comfortable, crossed my legs and covered my face with my arm. I was so done with this day! I just wanted to sleep. But having three guys roaming around in my living room and kitchen, left no room to do so. And it didn't help that one of them, the tallest and most muscular one, kept staring at me, almost to the point that he forgot to do his job. And the fact that he randomly smirked to himself...

"Wait a minute," I mumbled. Then I sat up and got their attention.

"This security thing is in my whole apartment, isn't it?"

"Si, señorita."
(Yes, miss.)

"Bathroom and bedroom, too?"

(Of course.)

The tall guy's smirk grew wider and I knew exactly why. I didn't bother to unpack my suitcase yesterday, so it was lying open on the bed with my two corsets literally at full display right on top. And I also had a bra hanging over the edge of the bathtub. Terrific...

"He could at least have told me on beforehand, so I could've put it away," I grumbled silently, then added:
"And tidied up this damn place."

I got up and took a quick look around. It wasn't bad at all, to be honest. Just signs that someone was living here. But still... Working in the hotel business, I was used to a certain standard. And having underwear laying out in the open was not it.

I tried to call Michael one more time, but he still didn't pick up. So I stomped off into the bedroom and started unpacking. The first things I put away was the corsets. I hid them as far back in the closet as I could, buried underneath a stack of pants and leggings. Then I grabbed a basket and gathered all the laundry, including the bra in the bathroom. And the rest of what was left of clean clothes was stuffed into their rightful places. Then I put away the suitcase and made the bed. There. Much better.

I heard a short knock and saw the tall, muscular guy peek his head into the room, and the annoying smirk was still plastered on his face. So I forced a brief smile on my own, picked up the laundry basket and walked right up to him, as to non-verbally telling him to get the hell out of my bedroom. But he just kept smirking.

"¿Ya terminaste?" I asked, meaning both their job and him staring.
(Are you done yet?)

"Si. Ven y deja que te enseñe."
(Yes. Come and let me show you.)

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