Ch. 102: Lilliana's revenge (bonus chapter)

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Author's note:

It's been a while since I wrote 'The Guest' (which started out as a couple of chapters in a Christmas Calendar). I still think about them now and then, and I know I promised another bonus chapter or two, so here it comes. Do you remember the gynecologist chair? Yeah, me too... Let's see what they'll do with it this time.


Michael had been slightly nervous after I sent the kids to stay with his sister, Janet. It was only one night, but it was enough to make him freak out when I refused to tell him why. Janet didn't say anything, either, but that was mostly because I didn't tell her either. It was a surprise, and now that the house was silent and Michael was in the shower, my nervousness shot through the roof. What if he didn't like it?

I snuck into the bedroom and got dressed in my secret superhero outfit. A black latex dominatrix outfit with fishnet stockings and black leather boots. I needed to be ready for when Michael came out to search for his clothes that I was holding in my hands. I would not let him have them. That's why I hid in his closet and waited for him to open the doors.

"...when the groove is dead and gone, yeah. You know that looo... What the hell?!" he exclaimed when I jumped out and ruined his singing. He looked startled at first, then confused. Then he noticed my outfit and his jaw fell and eyes widened to the max. "W-what... W-why...?"

"Surprise, honey," I said with a seductive voice and stepped out of my hiding spot. The clothes he'd been searching for were purposely dropped on the floor and to make a statement, I stepped on them while I nailed him with my eyes. I'd practiced to this role so many times in my head, but I was still internally freaking out.


"I want you to meet someone," I said and continued my little game. Michael was still very confused and very nude, and now he started looking around in the bedroom in search of someone else. That made me stop and squint at him. "We're not having a threesome!"

"What? Why? I-I mean, I know that. What are you talking about?"

His pink cheeks and fumbling words told me what I needed to know, so I raised a sharp eyebrow to make him aware I'd caught him.

"I hate to disappoint you, but there's nobody else here but you and..."

I made a theatrical pause before I revealed part of my big secret.

"Mrs. Diaz."

I added another pause and watched the realization sink in.

"Oh? Ooh!" he said, and he suddenly looked more interested than ever. He watched me unhook something from my arm that I knew he recognized. It was the collar he bought for me because he found it so arousing to see me down on my knees and tied to a leash. Today, the roles were reversed.

"Your good friend, the gynecologist chair, has summoned its new dominatrix. You're no longer in charge in that room."

My words fell surprisingly easy even though I wasn't used to be in the role to give commands. My whole life had been about receiving them and obey without questions, but tonight would be a whole new deal. And to show him I expected action, I grabbed his cheeks between my thumb and pointing finger and squeezed.

"Which means your butt is mine. Literally."

He gulped hard and seemed both terrified and excited, but even though I expected him to say something, he didn't. So I poked his chest to prepare him for orders.


He mumbled something, and I could tell he had a hard time accepting his new role, which made me snap back at him.

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