Ch. 9: Texting

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"So you're gonna see him again?"

"Hell yeah!"

I should have known it probably was the most ridiculous thing to ask, judging by the way she constantly stared at her phone and giggled to herself. Since Sophia was driving to Zaragoza, I offered to drive home, and she spent almost the entire time texting her new crush, Travis Payne. But she refused to tell much about their conversation, even though she'd go ballistic if it was the other way around. I didn't really mind, though. I wasn't in the mood to think about guys anyway. I just wanted to send them all to another planet so I could continue with my life as normal. But after I met Michael, it seemed like I wasn't able to go on like before.

I kept having flashbacks of him, demanding me to come to his suite for a little more than just room service. And every time I saw the counter in the dining room, I remembered how he'd ordered me to pull up my skirt, when both of us knew that my panties were still left in his room. The way he'd smirked when he threw me into the pool, was the exact same smirk he sent me when he spanked that lady on stage. Maybe he did it to show me that he had plenty of women wrapped around his finger? Because he surely had. Or maybe...?

"Stop it!" I said loudly to myself, and a surprised Sophia looked up from her phone. And when I realized that I'd said it out loud, I quickly apologized.

"Are you alright?" she asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Come on. Don't lie to me, Ana. It's about Michael Jackson, right?"

I sighed when she addressed him by his full name. It only proved how far-fetched it was to envision any kind of relationship with him. Or even friendship. He was a popstar. Not a real person. Except, to me he was.

"I'm sorry for..." she started, but I immediately stopped her.

"No, please don't be! I really appreciate that you took me to his concert. I'm just overreacting, that's all. And I feel bad that you spent so much money on taking me there. I'll pay you back my share."

But Sophia snorted.

"Nonsense! But why did you run away when he saw you? He seemed worried after you left."


"Has he tried to contact you at all?"

I shook my head sadly, and Sophia took my hand and squeezed it.

"It's strange. I never took him for being a nail n' bail kind of man. It doesn't add up."

"Fucking someone in public doesn't add up," I muttered, feeling exactly like what my mom had called me; a tramp.

"No, but it was hot as fuck," she mumbled and looked out the window.

"Excuse me?! Please don't tell me that you got turned on by it!"

But the way she cackled awkwardly and reddened told me what I didn't want to know. Then I noticed that she picked her phone up to her ear.

"Soph! That's disgusting! I'm your best friend."

"So? I just pictured myself in your position. Literally."

I slapped her elbow and focused on driving, too embarrassed to talk. And it didn't get any better when she turned to me with a mischievous grin.

"Travis wants to know if you'll join us for a threesome."

I gasped in terror.

"No! Sophia, don't even..."

"Oh, that's right," she interrupted.

"I almost forgot that you're already stuck in a love triangle with LaVelle and Cris."

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