Ch. 26: Mile high distraction

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Next morning started like every other morning the last few days; Lilliana jolting out of bed and sprinting to the bathroom. I felt so bad for her. But at the same time I couldn't help but to smile. I was so ready to start a family. A huge one! And now that it finally seemed like she wanted to give us a try, I had my hopes up. Literally. Only today she seemed more nauseous than yesterday, so I didn't try anything. And when we took the morning shower together, I just held her and lazily kissed her neck and shoulders, or wherever I felt like at the moment. I just loved to be near her. So when she preferred to sit with her friend Sophia on the plane to Adelaide a couple of hours later, I felt a bit bummed.

"Your jet is amazing, Michael. Thanks for letting me travel with you."

It was Sophia talking, which she tended to do a lot. She seemed like a funny girl, though. And like me, she loved to tease Lilliana and push her buttons. But this time it didn't seem to help much. Ana wasn't like her usual herself.

"Thank you. Feel free to use the minibar. And there will be lunch, snacks and fruit soon, too."

I noticed Ana writhed in her seat, and her hands held a tight grip on the armrests as the plane prepared for takeoff. Was she nauseous again?

"Ana? Are you alright?" I asked. But even though I sat right behind her, she didn't seem to hear me. Was she ignoring me? If so, she ignored Sophia too, and that wasn't like her at all.


"Breathe, girl. You look like a ghost," Sophia said lowly, while leaning closer to her.

"Is there something wrong?"

"N-no, I'm fine," Ana managed to say, but she wasn't very convincing.

"She's a little scared of flying," Sophia explained, then yelped when Ana slapped her arm.

"He's gonna find out sooner or later. So you might just tell him now, and not when he takes you around the world on your honeymoon."

"Sophia!" Ana hissed, and I chuckled and wished I could see her face and not just the back of her seat.

"Don't Sophia me! Do you know how many women that would chew their arm off to be in your position, Ana?"

I smirked when she said that, remembering exactly what kind of positions we'd tried out. But I coughed when Sophia continued.

"Even men!"

"Sophia, please," Ana begged with a thin voice. If only she sat next to me... But suddenly she started fumbling with her seat belt, more and more desperate by each second. And I saw the stewardess shake her head and tried to make her stop. But there was no doubt what was about to happen, and I wouldn't let Ana embarrass herself by using the paperbag.

"Stop the plane!" I shouted, and got up from my seat too.

"But, Sir! We can't..."

"Stop the plane!" I repeated, and followed Ana to the toilet. But I already heard the sound of the motor getting louder, indicating that it was already too late. So I just squeezed myself into the little toilet behind Ana, and automatically grabbed her hair to keep it out of the way, as she crouched forward. She retched a few times, but I think it was more her being scared, than anything else. Besides she barely had any breakfast at all.

I heard the stewardess protesting loudly from the outside, right before the roar from the engine became deafening. And I quickly pulled Ana up, put down the toilet seat and dumped down with her on my lap. Then we clung to each other and whatever we found around us until everything was calm again.

"Oh, my God..." Ana whispered, and slapped her hands over her mouth.

"That was so embarrassing!"

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