Ch. 10: Jealousy

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"Room 316 needs refill of the minibar."

"I'll take it," I said, forcing my body to work. I was so unmotivated today, that it was exhausting just to smile. And it didn't make my mood any better to see Sophia beaming stronger than the sun itself, so giddy and joyful, and so completely the opposite of me. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for her. She really deserved to find another man after the bad break up she went through a little over a year ago. But that's how it is when you give your heart to the wrong person. I'd tried to warn her about him, but I guess love makes you blind. But Travis seemed like a nice guy.

"Where are the energy bars?" I asked, since I couldn't find them on the trolley.

"¿Que? ¿Se las comieron todas?" Pedro asked and gasped dramatically, pretending to be shocked.
(What? Did you eat them all?)

"Por supuesto que no, estupido," I muttered and squinted at him.
(Of course not, stupid.)

But I found them in the storage room. The last box was on the bottom shelf way in the back, and I grabbed it and put the box down on the trolley with a bang. And I didn't care that both Sophia, Pedro and Kazu, our new porter, frowned at me behind my back.

"Que pasa con ella?" I heard Pedro whisper.
(What's the matter with her?)

"Nothing to worry about," Sophia said quietly.

"It's just that time of the month."

If there was one thing that pissed me off more than being a normal kind of pissed off, it was when someone insinuated that I was on my period. Are people really that stupid that they don't understand that people can be mad for other reasons too?

I scoffed and stomped towards the elevator, pushing the trolley in front of me while I smiled stiffly to an elderly couple that was heading for the lobby. But the smile vanished as soon as the elevator shut closed behind me, and I just stared at the mirrored wall. Maybe I should do a total makeover, cut my hair short and go all blonde? I could even get blue contacts so it looked more wholesome. I squinted into the mirror and tried to envision it short, but eventually I shook my head. No. Changing my appearance wouldn't solve anything. Maybe I should try hypnosis? Just erase the memory of Michael like it never happened?

"God, it's so stupid to be heartbroken over a guy you never even dated," I whispered to myself, before I left the elevator to do my job.

When I came back to the lobby, I noticed that Sophia was sending me secretive glances and knowing smirks. She was clearly up to something. Maybe she got an insane idea about how to lighten my mood? Because that would just be typical of her. But surprisingly she didn't say anything, and I was literally avoiding every attempt to lead a conversation with anyone, unless it was with guests or about work. Still, I prepared myself for the worst, and counted the seconds until I could go home. And there were a lot of seconds...

But I was surprised when nothing more happened that day, and I could go home without being exposed or embarrassed in some ridiculous kind of way. I honestly didn't expect to go that easily. But if Sophia continued to behave weird tomorrow, I promised myself to make her explain why. Hopefully my mood would be better by then, too. And just to cheer myself up, I bought some Indian food on my way home. It tasted wonderful. But I didn't get to eat more than half of it, before the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" I yelled, and jogged towards the door. And I hurried to swallow my food and wipe my mouth, before I opened it and saw a young man with a box in his hand.

"Entrega para Ana Martinez," he said and held it out for me, and I automatically raised my eyebrows. Who delivered mail on your door at almost 10 pm?
(Delivery for Ana Martinez.)

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