Ch. 94: Brutal honesty

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We called the doctor that had followed me through my previous pregnancy, and it was an understatement to say that he was surprised to hear that I was pregnant again. Especially so close after Lilly was born. Normally you should be pretty safe as long as you are breastfeeding, and I had a hormonal implant as well. Scientifically speaking, it was actually pretty amazing.

Except, I didn't find it amazing at all. I was scared. I even had nightmares, and the roles were suddenly reversed between Michael and I. Now he was the one who comforted me when I woke up sweating and crying, reliving all the drama from last time. I thought I had managed to leave it all behind, but I guess I didn't, after all.

"He really said we should wait with the doctor's appointment until we get back to California?" Michael asked, clearly not happy with the decision.

"Yes, and it's only a few days," I reasoned.

"See? This is why I should have bought that ultrasound machine. Then we could have checked everything right away."

"Like either of us have the knowledge of how to use one," I said flatly. Then I rolled my eyes at him and watched him pout like a child.

"We can fly to California now and still get back to the next concert."

"No, Michael. What about the visit to the children's unit at the hospital, and your meetings and rehearsals?"

"I can skip those," he muttered, even though both of us knew he couldn't.

"Hey. Since we're going to the hospital anyway, we can go and see a doctor there."

"For what purpose? He doesn't know my health issues. He doesn't know what happened last time. And we don't even speak the same language."

"Everybody knows English."

I was folding Lilly's clothes after the chaotic packing we did when we left Denmark, but now I was so fed up with all the stress around this new situation, that I shut the lid and put the suitcase away.

"You shouldn't carry heavy things like that!" Michael objected immediately, and I groaned.

"Will you calm down? You're more hysterical than me, and you're supposed to be the most reasonable of us right now. You're the one who's visiting the hospital, while Lilly and I are staying here. Less stress, remember? Besides, not everyone knows English."

"I am calm," he said after digesting what I said. He kept pouting so badly that I eventually walked over to him and hugged him, and like a reflex his hands coiled themselves around my lower back.

"Can you please do what you were supposed to do? Because I've made plans."

His face suddenly got a different expression. One of his eyebrows arched upward and his eyes scanned me like an x-ray machine.

"What plans?"

"Just wedding stuff. I gotta call Janet..."

"Janet's in on it, too? That's not fair! Why can't you at least tell me parts of it? I won't tell anyone."

"Tell anyone?" I laughed.

"Tell who? Yourself?"

"You're mean," he mumbled. He still kissed me before we pulled back from our embrace though, although followed by a little scowl.

"It's called a surprise, honey. And now you get to feel how frustrating it is not being in control. You can even call it... revenge," I snickered and stuck out my tongue at him, and his eyes got this typical, dark squint.

"You better watch what you're doing, Ana, because I still have some time left until I have to leave."

"No, you don't."

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