Ch. 13: Fresh start

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The trash can was empty. That was one of the things I first noticed when I left the bathroom. Whether he did it himself or he got the hotel staff to do it, I didn't know. It was most likely the latter. And right now he was standing with his back towards me, looking out over Melbourne. The view was impressive to say at least, and I wasn't only talking about the city. Because the man in front of me was one of a kind; broad shouldered with a narrow waist and long, black curls that looked super soft. And I knew they felt that way too, because I'd dug my fingers into it in fever when he'd brought me to ecstasy time and time again. His ass was tight like only a lifetime of dancing could do, and he was more muscular now than earlier in his career. I mostly remembered him from 'Off the wall', and he sure had matured well since that. No. That would be the understatement of the year. He was hot as fuck.

He turned around and gave me a small smile when he saw me standing there, and I got a feeling he knew I'd been checking him out. But I pretended like nothing and tried to keep from blushing. Tried...

"Feeling better?" he asked, and I nodded. I failed at the don't-blush part.

"Yeah. I'm sorry for... You know. Vomiting and stuff. And for ruining your day."

He raised his eyebrows, and my eyes immediately averted to study the carpet closer.

"You didn't. I'm just a bit shocked, that all."

"You and me both," I mumbled. Then there was an awkward pause, until the silence became unbearable. So I cleared my voice and started backing towards the door.

"Okay, so... See you around, then?"

"Hey. Where do you think you're going?" Michael asked, and followed me. It didn't seem like he would let me go that easily. Maybe he wanted to discuss practical issues about the baby, or have a paternity test taken so he could be sure?

"Back to the hotel to sleep," I answered honestly. I felt exhausted.

"No, you're not. You're staying here."

He came closer, and I felt my body start to tingle and burn the closer he got. But I bit my lip to try to act indifferent.

"No, I can't," I said, and my voice was trembling a bit. And why couldn't I stop blushing?

"Why?" he asked lowly, looking down at me.

"Do you have plans?"

I cleared my throat and shifted my weight from one foot to the other, while I tried to make my brain work. Then I remembered LaVelle and Cris and realized...

"Well, not anymore I guess."

Michael smirked knowingly, and seemed overly satisfied not having to compete with them anymore. As if they would ever measure up to him. Combined!

"Then you're staying here."

But I shook my head.

"Yes, you are. I've ordered food for later, and..."

"But I don't want any food!" I burst out. Then I scolded myself for interrupting him.

"I just want to sleep."

Michael's eyes changed into the mischievous one I recognized from the spa. But before I managed to get away, he'd picked me up and carried me to his huge king-size bed. There he gently put me down in the middle of an ocean of pillows. But he seemed to linger a little before he let completely go of me. Then he scratched his neck and looked away.

"So... I'm gonna go and talk to Bill, about... Something... And... Uhm... Like. You can just relax and... Stuff."

Why did he suddenly seem nervous? I was going to ask, but he turned around and left the room too quickly. And I was left with my own thoughts, that gradually became foggy and inconsistent, until I floated away into deep sleep.

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