Ch. 5: Messed up routines

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"Why the hell didn't you answer me, Ana?! I've called you a thousand times, and my thumb is sore from all the texts I've sent you! You never skip a day, even if you're close to death with fever. Why now?"

"Shut up, Sophia. I'm not in the mood," I muttered, and distracted myself with the list of expected guests. She was always exaggerating.

"It's because of him, isn't it?"

I tried to ignore her the best I could, but the intense heat in my cheeks told me that I didn't do a good job.

"Look, I told you that I wouldn't make fun of you for what happened..."

"Nothing happened!" I exclaimed, knowing that even a blind person could see that I was lying.

"Riiiiight... And I'm the queen of England. Do you have any idea how many women there is that would kill just to kiss him?" she said much too loud for my own liking.

"Can you please keep it quiet, Soph?" I hissed, and grunted when she nudged my elbow.

"Was he big?"

I coughed and blushed even harder, remembering how he had filled me up in the most delightful ways. But that wasn't what had enthralled me the most. It was his entire being. The way he'd made me feel just to be close to him, and how he made me obey even his smallest commands without a second thought. Well, that's not true. I had lots of second thoughts. A long row of them, even, but it didn't help. I was blown away by him and his murderous hips thrusts.

"He was!" she squealed quietly, taking my silence as a yes and clapped her hands. But then Pedro came out from the office and we immediately pretended like nothing. But right before Sophia left to bring some papers down to Andrea in the spa department, she discreetly grabbed my arm.

"This isn't over, Ana. I wanna know everything. Every little detail," she whispered, emphasizing that one word times plenty. Then she winked at me and took off, and I was left to my own thoughts about exactly that; the time in the spa. If anyone had told me last week that I'd be so reckless to have sex with a guest in our hotel, I'd laugh them straight in their face. Loudly.


I was ripped out of my little bubble by Pedro, who was nailing me with his eyes. And I could see him nod almost unnoticeable towards someone in front of me.

"Oh... Hi," I blurted out, embarrassed to have been so detached from reality that I didn't see the man in jeans and a squared patterned shirt. His hair was short and a bit curly, and I knew instantly that he was the kind of man that would bring Sophia to her knees. But then I suddenly remembered that I'd forgotten my manners.

"Uhm... I'm sorry," I mumbled. Then I straightened my back and gave him my most professional smile.

"How can I help you, sir?"

"Meet me in my room in twenty minutes and I will fuck your brains out," my mind screamed, and I bit my tongue knowing that I'd probably do that if the man in front of me was Michael. But it wasn't, and I felt flustered to allow thoughts like that to steal my focus. And quite awkwardly, I and showed him to his room while I wondered what would happen if I'd come to Michael's room that night, instead of running away. I knew it would be amazing. He'd already showed me that. But to what price? He was probably so used to girls swooning around his feet, claiming to be in love and whatnot, that he didn't even think twice. To me it wasn't like that. And I already knew after the second time, that I had fallen for him and how ridiculously hopeless it was. But I had to put it behind me, starting from now. Unfortunately, Sophia's constant fishing for details made it hard. And at the end of the day, I was actually avoiding her just to be alone with my thoughts. But not even that helped when my mom called me into the office.

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