Ch. 45: Wrong numbers

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But I didn't need to find Sophia. She found me. And her eyes were large as bowling balls when she pulled me into one of the storage rooms on the second floor.

"Did you watch the news?" she exclaimed in horror, and I started giggling again.

"You're laughing?! How can you laugh about something like that?"

I shook my head and tried to contain myself. But I only laughed more.

"What's the matter with you?" Sophia asked in disbelief, and it was one of those rare moments where she didn't know what to say. Sophia was speechless!

"I don't know," I finally managed to say.

"I just talked to Michael and..."

"He's not mad?"

"No, he isn't. He's used to the press lying about him all the time. And we both know it's just a bunch of crap."

Sophia leaned back a little, resting her elbow on one hand while rubbing her cheek with the other.

"Do you know how they came up with that?" she asked, but I just shrugged.

"I have no idea. And that's why I was searching for you."

"Me? You don't think I have anything to do with it, do you? Because I swear to God I wouldn't tell a single thing to any journalist, even if they pointed a gun to my head."

"Not a journalist, Sophia. Sarah."

Sophia looked surprised.


"Yeah. There's something phoney about her."

"And you're sure you're not just being paranoid?"

"Positive. Did you know Sarah and I are related?"

I disposed the used batteries from the remote and almost expected Sophia to comment on that. But she didn't. She looked lost in thoughts.

"You know, when you say it, she does appear to be a little shady. She's been asking an awful lot of questions about you. And at first I thought she was just crushing on Michael. But lately I've actually been thinking that she is crushing on you instead. But if you're related..."

I made a short laugh.

"She's definitely not crushing on me. Maybe on Michael, but who's not? But there's something else about her. Something I can't put my finger on."

"I actually agree," Sophia said, finally seeing what I saw.

"It's like she's looking for trouble."

Then she gasped and stared at me.

"Do you think she's together with Kazu on this nonsense?"

"Maybe? Maybe not?" I said and shrugged. It might be my own mother too, I added in my mind. But as for now I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

"Just don't trust anyone, Soph. Not even Pedro."

"Pedro?" she scoffed and frowned.

"You can't possibly mean that he's in on it, too?"

"No, I don't. But we can't trust anyone right now. Not until we've found out who's behind this. People say all kinds of things for the right amount of money, and let's face it; the paycheck we get at the end of the month isn't that much to brag about."

Sophia snorted.

"Says the soon to be CEO who probably earns more than the double of the other employees."

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