Ch. 28: Hold me

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I apologized to Sophia for ruining our day. It was supposed to be fun and carefree, but instead turned into something completely different. I obviously didn't only have a fear of planes. I had social anxiety as well. And to top it off, I was sick every morning and sometimes during the day, also. So I'd more or less ruined our entire vacation. But of course, Sophia was kind enough to say that it was okay, even though I knew it wasn't. And now I felt even worse for shutting her out, when I knew Travis was busy at the concert, just like Michael was. But I needed to be alone.

Once again, my thoughts drifted back home. What if we never went to Australia at all? What if we stayed at home, continuing to do what we always did? Would Michael ever find out that he was going to be a dad? Would I even keep it? The way I freaked out when I first found out I was pregnant, told me that anything could have happened, especially since I was terrified of becoming a single parent. But Michael changed it all. He'd told me that we would manage to find a way that worked for us both, and that he'd be there all the way. And I believed him. But right now I just wanted to go home.

After laying in bed, feeling sorry for myself for a while, I sat up and grabbed my phone. I needed to talk to dad again. I just hoped it wasn't mom that answered. But of course...

"Oh. Hey, mom. How are you?"

"You've really messed up your life now, Lilliana."

I hadn't talked to her for a week, and that was the first thing she said? Not even a hello?

"Nice talking to you too," I said ironically.

"How are you going to solve this? Your face is everywhere in the news and even on TV. And there has been people at the hotel asking for you, wanting all sorts of information. We can't have that. It's disturbing our guests."

"I know, mom. But I don't know what to do yet. And that's why I'm still here."

I felt tears burning behind my eyelids, threatening to come out, but I refused to cry so my mom could hear it.

"We're depending on you, you know. Don't waste your time on something that won't last."

"How will I know it won't last until I've tried?"

"Because he'll get tired of you soon, and find another woman. And then what? No, Ana. You can only depend on yourself."

I swallowed the growing lump in my throat, and tried to take a deep breath without revealing how sad I was. But she was practically digging up all the things I was trying to bury. Thoughts I tried to ignore because Michael said so.

"But he's not like that, mom. He's a genuinely wonderful and caring man, that..."

"You've known him for a week, dear, and you just couldn't keep your legs closed. Do you know what you've done? You've wasted several years of education, and a whole life of experience. For what? You know you'll be raising that child alone, right? Because when you take over the management of the hotel, we'll move back to the States."

A sudden anger flushed over me. Why did she say all these mean things? A mother is supposed to support her children, and she did that with my brother. He did everything right, both in his career and his life goals. But in her eyes I only did what was expected of me.

"I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much, mom. But just know that I don't care if you're there for me or not. And do you know why? Because whatever happens in the future, I'll manage. And I'll manage on my own."

We were both silent for a moment.

"Let me talk to dad," I said eventually.

"He's not here," she said silently.

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