Ch. 89: August 29th

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I was relieved when I woke up before Michael. And even more so, to wake up before Lilly did. That meant I had the time to do what I'd planned; to give him a good start on the day. It turned out to be difficult though, because of the way we were lying. He was partially laying on his side with his right arm draped heavily around my waist. Dammit. How would I manage to do this without waking him up?

I thought for a couple of minutes, before I decided to give it a go. Removing his hand was the easy part. Rolling him over to his back was not. But I pretended to move a bit in my sleep, and tried turning both me and him around. It didn't help. So I yawned, followed by a little hum while I still pretended to be asleep, and placed my arm against his chest and gently pushed while I moved my leg over and between his. He wasn't a very large man. Only a little bit taller than me. But he was like moving a mountain when he was sleeping. Suddenly he grunted a little, followed by a half-snore, and he started stirring a bit.

Please, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up!

He didn't. My lungs were burning when I finally dared to breathe again, relieved that he still was more or less unconscious. It was time to get to business. So I slowly sat up on my knees next to his thighs and pulled the duvet a little bit to the side.

Well, at least you don't have a wet dream, I thought to myself, before I giggled soundlessly. He looked so peaceful with his arm resting on his stomach and hair sprawled all over the pillow. It almost felt like a violation to disturb him. But I did anyway.

I leaned forward and over his groin and carefully lifted his flaccid member and sucked the tip into my mouth. He might have been sleeping, but that part of him quickly came to life.

The feeling of him growing in my mouth was different from when he was already hot and ready. It was just as alluring, of course. Just different. And when he was almost fully erect, he yawned and stretched a little, clearly about to wake up. But my excitement dropped like a stone when he reacted with a horrified scream, sat up in a flash and crawled up to the headboard with his knees in front of him, almost before he'd opened his eyes.

"Michael, it's me. Lilliana."

He was too confused and panicked to think straight, so I remained sitting on the same spot and waited for him to calm down.

"I didn't mean to scare you. I forgot. I'm sorry," I said, hating myself for not having thought this through. I should have known he would react that way.

"Ana?" he finally choked out, clearly trying to control his breathing. And after rubbing his eyes and having searched the room for any potential danger, he managed.

"I'm truly sorry, honey. I just wanted to give you a little birthday present."

I felt like the most horrible person on earth. But after Michael had rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and cleared his mind from the instant alert mode, he shook his head and crawled towards me. He was giggling now, obviously a bit embarrassed, which he had no reason to be. I was the one who caused this and I felt on the verge of crying. Pathetic, I know, but I did. This didn't go well at all.

"God, I feel so stupid," he said, speaking the words I should have said. But he just pulled me to his chest and gave me a hug, and I blinked away a tear of shame from the corner of my eye.

"I'm the stupid one of us," I mumbled, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, but I ruined the whole thing."

"Hey. Look at me," he said and pulled up my chin, leaving me no choice.

"You didn't ruin it. If anything, I did."

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