Ch. 46: Not what it looks like

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"Kazu? Can I have a word with you?"

I made sure Sophia was close by, pretending to be folding some tablecloths and napkins, while I took Kazu aside.

"We haven't really talked much, but do you prefer English or Spanish?"

"English," he said and wiggled his hand a little to show that language wasn't his best side.

"Spanish not good."

"Okay. Let me first ask you; why are you here? Why did you move to Spain?"

He smiled sheepishly and nodded his head from side to side, like he struggled to find the right words.

"Work not much in Ukraine. Move family... Here," he said and pointed with his finger.

"Aha. I understand. And you have been here for how long?"

"One year."

He still relied a lot on body language to make himself understood, so it was clear that he struggled a bit with the language barrier.

"And you've worked in the hotel business in Ukraine, too?"

"No, family. Live with family in Ukraine. And family here."

"No, not where you live. What I meant was if you have worked at a hotel before."

I spoke slowly to make sure he understood, and when he did he nodded eagerly.

"No. Only here. Ukraine with cars," he said and pretended to hold a wheel, and I almost laughed at how silly he looked. I was still mad at him though. But I was starting to get the feeling that he had been pulled into something he didn't understand, and that he might be completely innocent in all of it. Still, I had to make sure.

"Do you know that your face is all over the news?" I asked and noticed he looked like a question mark.

"Face?" he asked confusedly and pointed at himself.

"Yes. They claim that you are the father of my baby."

"Yes! Baby!" he exclaimed happily and nodded with a huge grin. But when he tried to pat my belly, I blocked him.

"Please keep your hands to yourself."


He blushed and stared at the carpet, so I decided to not dwell with it and move on with my questions.

"Did you tell them you were the father of my baby?"

He frowned and lifted his gaze again, but he didn't look directly at me.

"Me no father. Michael Jackson," he said, and I nodded.

"Yes, he is. So why did you tell them it was you?"

"No say me father. Sarah give me money for picture and..."

He blushed a bit his lip.


He nodded again.

"She say get kiss."

"She kissed you?"

"No. She give money. Kiss... You," he said and blushed even harder, and I almost laughed out loud.

"She said I would kiss you if she got a picture of you?"

His head was turned down, but his steel grey eyes looked at me under bushy eyebrows. He didn't smile anymore. He looked hurt.

"Sarah..." I said with a sigh. I kind of already knew she had something to do with this mess, but to get it confirmed by someone who obviously had no idea about her agenda made me furious on his behalf.

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