Ch. 56: Relatives

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I relaxed in bed for a while, before I decided to let Ana sleep and got up to take a shower. But just as I was rinsing the conditioner out of my hair, I suddenly felt her soft hands sneak their way around my waist.

"You started without me?"

I wiped my eyes so I could see and turned around to find her slightly pouting while she looked up at me through her eyelashes. So I lifted her chin a little and gave her a little kiss to make her smile again. It helped.

"I just thought you needed to sleep in."

"I can sleep later. Do you have a concert tonight too?"

"No. I have one tomorrow, then two days off. Then I have the last one before Christmas."


I looked at her for a moment and got the feeling that something wasn't right.

"Michael, can I ask you something?"

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"Of course, baby. Anything."

"I need help."

I hesitated in my actions and felt a little nervous. Something was definitely weighing heavy on her shoulders.

"With what?"

"It's my parents' anniversary January 5th, and I don't know what to give them. Or even how to celebrate it."

"January 5th? That's an unusual date to get married."

She shrugged, stepped further into the shower and let herself get soaked with water. She looked both so sensual and vulnerable at the same time, and it did things to me. Or more specifically; my heart. Her eyes closed as she turned her head backwards and her plump lips were slightly parted and looked incredibly kissable. But I braced myself.

"Not everyone wants to get married in the summer," she said as her eyes fluttered open to look at me. Then she felt self-conscious. I could tell by the way she let her gaze fall and the light blush that crept up her neck and covered her cheeks.

"Don't look at me that way."

"In what way?" I asked, giving her a slightly smug smirk before I pulled her closer so I could kiss her lips. But instead of answering, she smiled shyly.

"I love you," I said and kissed her once more before I urged her to continue telling.


She grabbed the shampoo bottle and poured some in my hand, then turned around so I could wash her hair. I loved that. I loved its softness like the finest silk between my fingers, and how thick it was, giving me a nice grip when I pulled a little. And I loved how she automatically exhaled in a way that my mind read as a soundless moan, every time I did that. And I just couldn't help myself. I needed to see her neck exposed and her lips naturally parting, silently calling for me to kiss her. But again I braced myself from attacking her luscious lips.

"What do you want to do?" I asked silently, rubbing some of the shampoo over her shoulders and down her back too. Her butt cheeks were still bright pink from the impact of my hand. But no bruises. I would never forgive myself for giving her that.

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