Ch. 60: Unexpected

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"How do I look?"

"Amazing as always. I thought you never got nervous?"

"Yeah, that... It's different when it's the parents in law, so that doesn't count. Do you think I should have worn the red shirt instead?"

I giggled. He was just too adorable fidgeting with his tie and brushing off invisible things from the sleeves on his suit.

"No, Michael. You look great in blue. It's my favorite color, remember? And you match my dress."

I looked down at myself and tried to suck in my stomach to look slimmer. To no use, of course.

"Or should I say tent?"

"Oh, baby. You look perfect. You're my very own beautiful incubator, and I love everything about you."

I started laughing at the way he addressed me. Although it sounded kind of rude, I knew it wasn't meant that way. I opened the door and held it open so he could enter, and my father was the first one to welcome us. He gave me a real bear hug, just the way he always did, and shook Michael's hand with both of his.

"Welcome to our home and merry Christmas," he said heartily, seemingly a bit starstruck. I shook my head lightly and looked around. Mom had decorated the house just the way she always did for Christmas, and I immediately got filled with nostalgia. Memories from my childhood made me smile absentmindedly, and I started to wonder when things started to change between mom and I. And why? Because when I was a child, the relationship with my mom was okay. Not the best, but nowhere near like it was today.

"I can't believe we have the world's biggest popstar in our home."

"Dad..." I shushed. I knew Michael felt uncomfortable when people saw him as different from others, just because he was famous. After all, he was just Michael.

"Roberta? They're here!" dad shouted, and moments later we saw mom come out from the kitchen. She wore an apron and a stiff smile, and was just wiping her hands clean on a towel, before she came over and shook Michael's hand politely. She cleared her voice and I could see she wanted to say something, but instead she gestured to the living room.

"The food is almost ready. We're just waiting for Raymond and his family."

She smiled shortly and disappeared into the kitchen again, while dad followed us and sat down on his usual chair. It was old and worn out after years of daily use, but whoever tried to make him get rid of it got a long tirade of reasons why he needed to keep it. I smiled. That's my dad, alright.

"So how have you been, sugarbun. I didn't see you at work yesterday."

"Oh. I was just doing some quick paperwork and then went back home. We had a couple of houses we needed to see."

Dad raised his eyebrows and nodded, giving Michael a knowing look.

"So you've started searching, huh? That's good."

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and my nephews Noel and Drew came barging in, with their mother Valeria following close behind with a big bag of presents. And moments later my brother came with another three bags.

"Goodness, Ray! Are you moving in here?" I giggled, and he rolled his eyes and shook his head in defeat.

"I told them to leave some of the presents at home for tomorrow morning, so we could partially celebrate Christmas the American style as well. But does it look like anyone listened?"

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