Ch. 92: Sleeping beauty

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"One more time."

I closed my eyes and groaned. We'd been going at it for over an hour straight, and I'd lost count of how many times I'd stepped on Michael's toes. But he didn't care. He kept correcting my posture, how to hold my head, my arms, my teeth, ears and big toes. At least it felt like that. And he refused to give up until every single step was as close to perfection as possible. Which meant that we would probably keep going until late next month. Or year...

"Michael, please."

"Come on. Raise your head and move your shoulders back."

"You just wanna stare at my boobs," I grumbled, and he giggled.

"That too. But you need to lean back a bit more. Don't worry about falling, because I'll support you and lead you through it from beginning to end."

I mumbled a few obscurities and mentally begged Lilly to start crying, so I could pick her up. But of course, I wasn't that lucky.

"Lift your elbows."

"I'm tired, Michael! Can we please continue some other time?"

Or another century, I added in my mind.

"In a few minutes. Now, let's take it from the top again."

"Can't we at least change the song?" I whined.

"I already hate it."

"Okay. But you need to..."

"You know what? Nevermind. I've had enough. If you want me to dance at the wedding at all, you need to stop!"


"Seriously. Or I might get a stand in to do it for me. I'm tired, and I'm going to bed."

Michael was stunned.

"A stand in? At our wedding?" he exclaimed horrified.

"Only during the dance. Don't ever think I'd let someone else but me walk down the aisle with you. Good night."

"Good night? But it's in the middle of the day."

I threw my arms out in the air in front of me, as to symbolically shove the whole issue away. Then I turned around and headed for fluffy pillows and a comfortable duvet.

"I don't care."

Then I slammed the door shut and dived onto the mattress like a crashing plane. And it didn't take long until I drifted off into a blissful slumber.


I didn't understand a single thing. One moment we'd been moving in sync to the music, and she did her best to follow my instructions. She actually did really well, too. Then the next moment she basically told me to fuck off and leave her alone.

"Your mama is a bit unpredictable, don't you think?" I said to Lilly and picked her up.

"Uh-oh. I think it's time to change your diaper again. Christ..."

It was no understatement to say her diaper was full. It had even leaked out and up her back, and to the front between her thighs.

"What kind of explosives does your mother have in those titties?" I asked while shaking my head, but Lilly just gurgled and smiled, and swiveled her arms while I pulled everything off her.

"This one goes as well," I groaned and said goodbye to her nightie, when it went into the trash bin together with the diaper.

"It was beyond saving."

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