Chapter 100 - The Void

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I was waiting for my eyes to adjust when Blaine put his arm around me, causing the electricity to quicken my body and heart.

"Hello, Summer. I knew you were going to be here soon. Power told me you were coming."

I laughed, the sound muffled due to the void. "I'm so happy you are with me and I can feel the tingles from your touch. How are you doing with the protein packs?" I asked Blaine.

"I've been able to heal myself some. The doctor needs to continually give me the protein packs. It will help me more to heal. I'm ready to be with my beautiful mate and you are due to deliver soon," he replied, giving me a peck on the lips.

"I'll let him know...wait, what? I'm due to deliver soon? I've only been pregnant for three and a half months," I nervously said, looking at Blaine.

"We're Alphas. Alpha females don't carry as long as normal wolves. Don't be nervous you'll be okay. I'm praying to the Goddess that I will be healed by the time you deliver. If not can you as least deliver in the same room?" Blaine queried, giving me a smile and a hug. "I'm ready to get out of here, it's freaky here and cold here."

I laughed. "I know, right?" I told him. "I will let the doctor know and I'll make sure I'm in the same room as you are. I'm praying you'll be back soon, no, I know you will be back with us. Zane misses you too. He told me to tell you that he loves you. And, yes it's freaky and cold here. I love you so much. Justice does too." I hugged him, snuggling into his side more.

"I love both of you and miss you. I can tell you're getting weaker, Summer. You need to wake up, my love. You're going to be using the pup's energy real soon and I know you don't want anything to happen to them. Wake up, baby, wake-"

I woke up, gasping for breath and bolting upright. I didn't know if Blaine kicked me out of the void or if someone had tried to wake me up on my end. I did get the information I needed but I would have loved seeing Blaine a little bit longer. He probably booted me out to save our pups. I would ever be grateful to him. I finally noticed the nurse standing at the foot of Blaine's bed, waiting for me to notice her. And, notice her I did.

"Were you the nurse who was supposed to be on duty today?" I asked, glaring at her. I decided I wanted to see if she would lie to me, so I sent a truth spell her way.

She bowed her head down. "Yes, Alpha Summer, I am. I was here but I'm pregnant and I couldn't stop throwing up. I didn't know the doctor left. Please forgive me," the nurse humbly said.

I smiled at her, giving her a hug. "Congratulations on baring a pup. I understand being sick is bad. I had some nausea but thankfully I didn't throw up. Don't worry about it. The doctor should have checked on you before he left."

She let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you, Alpha. I was worried you would be mad but I'm so glad you understand. I knew you were kind unless our enemy's. I'm so happy to be pregnant we've been trying for a while now."

"Did the Moon Goddess touch you when I was battling the bastard? It would have been right after I beat him, Garrett," I asked.

"The cold feeling on my check?" She asked, her eyes wide. "That was the Moon Goddess?"

"Yes, she touched all of our cheeks after the bastard was dead. It was a blessing she gave the whole pack unless they were trying to blend in," I answered her.

Her smile grew. "Oh, my, Goddess. She blessed us with a child. I can't wait to let my mate know. I wonder if he knew it was the Moon Goddess who touched us," she replied, bouncing on her toes and laughing.

I was so glad she was happy. I had a feeling she would have more than one baby. "Good luck and would you please refill my sugar water? I'm a little weaker than I should be. If the doctor's here I need to see him too," I inquired as I hugged her again.

"Okay. Maybe he will stay so I can tell my mate or I can call him to the hospital. Yeah, that would be a better idea. I'm going to get you a new bag and get the doctor. Thank you, Alpha Summer," the nurse spoke as if I wasn't really in the room with her.

I nodded but she was already out of the room. I heavily sat down in my chair, grabbing my bag and pulling out some food. I needed energy quick and I knew I was going to be eating the rest of my snacks. I wasn't sure how long I was out. I looked up at the clock on the wall and gasped. I was out for about three hours and I thought it was only about five minutes. Wow. I'm surprised I have any energy left. I was bound and determined I wasn't going to use my children's energy and I hoped that I hadn't.

I started stuffing my face as fast as I could. I had about two and a half energy bars in my mouth when the doctor walked in. I tried to swallow but I couldn't. I chewed as fast as I could, knowing I looked like a child eating cookies and getting caught.

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