Chapter 64 - Ugly On The Outside

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I knew my eyes looked big and wide. My mouth was probably hanging open and I'm sure I turned a little pale. "Uh, Z-Zane..." I cleared my throat and tried again. "Zane, not only can my wolf talk to other wolves but so can yours and Blaine's."

Zane pulled his foot off the accelerator for a brief moment. He turned his head partway to me. "Uh, what? Our wolves will be able to talk to other wolves too? Does it mention all wolves or only our people?"

"All wolves, Zane, all," I answered as I chuckled at his face.

I knew he was shocked by the way his mouth was hanging open. I knew that look. I had that look before he did - on several occasions.

"Yeah, it's a lot to take in," I commented as I looked around. I noticed a lot of landmarks. We were getting very close to our pack. I was excited about getting our pack back. I wanted to sleep in a real bed again. I wanted to sleep with both of my mates and I was sure they were ready for that too.

"We need to park the buses in an area the rogues wouldn't know about. Do you have any idea of where?" Zane asked as he kept his head on the road.

I pulled up the map and found a place I knew the rogues wouldn't dare to stay. I smiled, and answered Zane, "Take a right around this curve. I have a perfect place to stay."

Zane cut his eyes to me for a second. "Will rogues be around us?"

"Nope, I answered, popping the p.

He chuckled and took the right around the curve as I directed him where to go. We pulled up at a large house, moving behind the house to park the buses.

I chuckled back. "This was my aunt's house that the bastard doesn't know about. He killed her too quickly. He didn't deserve her. But, to kill your mate is against the Moon Goddess's teachings. He thought she came from a small pack up north. It was her twin sister's pack he was thinking about. We kept the house hidden from everyone. I'm sure my mom has cast a spell over house with it looking as it does."

"Hey, everyone, stay on the bus until Zane comes with the scent masking spray. The house is spelled but we don't want to leave our scent on the outside of it." I moved to get the spray to mask our scent. I handed to Zane. He sprayed himself as Blaine woke up and did the same. I handed them the spray, letting them know to spray the dune buggies first. I grabbed a bottle and went down the aisle.

As everyone came towards me I sprayed them and quickly had them exit the bus. When everyone was sprayed I sprayed myself and the bus. I grabbed my bag and exited the bus. My mates were waiting on me, making sure no one touched the house before I got there.

I walked up to the house and noticed what spell my mom used. It was to hide something in plain site. The house looked worse than it was. I undid the spell and let everyone in. I spelled the buses, dune buggies and spelled the house as I walked back in.

I laughed at everyone's faces. They were surprised the inside was so nice and not the outside. "The outside is as nice as the inside. The spell makes it look like it's going to fall down." I paused, looking around. "I'm sure my mom has the freezers stocked. She's been a few steps ahead of me this whole time."

"You heard our Alpha, let's get some more food going. Goddess, it's going to be so nice to eat at a table, couch, chair or floor."

"Yeah, I doubt there's a big dining room-"

"-yes, we do. It's in the basement. I just remembered what our mom told me," Justice quietly said, sniffing and laying her head on her paws.

"There's one in the basement. I didn't know there was a basement in this house. Justice told me there is," I finished speaking without interruptions.

"Well then, let's cook, ladies," Lizzet sang out.

I walked around the kitchen, checking cabinets and the pantry. When I went to pull out a drawer and found a note. "You're looking in the wrong place for a dumb waiter, dummy."

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