Chapter 54 - Waitress

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All those games we played when I was young was training, teaching me to fight against foes and rogues. My parents were smart. And, I miss them so much. I shook the thoughts out of my head and looked up.

"I've been working on necklaces all night?" I exclaimed as I watched the sun come up.

"Yeah. I think you have made too many necklaces," Blaine teased.

I looked down in my lap, snickering at myself. "I guess I did. I zoned out when I was making them. I was remembering all the moves my dad taught me to fight rogues." I paused, trying not to cry. "My dad was our best fighter and trainer. He could take out rogues in his sleep. He taught me everything I would need to go against the rogues. I'm thinking I want to share the moves in everyone's minds. I think it would be beneficial. What do you think?"

"I think it's a great idea. Anything to have an edge against the rogues the better. I would ask them though but I don't think you will have anyone say no to the moves being shown to them."

"I'll ask when we stop. I want to hand out the necklaces too. I hope the rogues think the warrior's are only protected by the necklaces. They are only spelled to each person that way the rogue can't use them. I can't wait to see their faces when it doesn't work on them. Plus, it gives our warriors more time to take out the rogue or whoever they are fighting," I explained, laughing at the thought.

"Ooh, what a great idea. I can't wait to see the idiots go down. And, they will go down," Zane said with conviction.

Blaine and I nodded at Zane's comment. We sat quietly watching the road and the sun rise. It was beautiful. My parents always said the sunrise was a new beginning. I hope she's right because we need a new beginning.

"Hey, Alpha Summer, we just about have breakfast ready," Marylyn told me via the mind-link.

"Maryln said breakfast is about ready. She used the new mind-link."

They nodded their head as I got up and went to the restroom. I was hoping I could make it before everyone stirred. I tried the door knob but someone was in the restroom. It wasn't but another minute when Avery walked out. She nodded her head to me and held the door open. I thanked her through the mind-link, shocking her for a minute. She smiled and ran off to her mother as I went into the restroom and did my business. I brushed my hair real quick and walked back to the front of the bus.

"Thanks, Maryln, we are about to park. I should have thanked you earlier but I had to take care of some business," I mind-linked her.

"Not a problem, dear."

Avery walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "Miss Alpha Summer, did you know your hair looks like fire?"

"I know, honey, I have a mix of my dad's brown hair and my mother's red hair. They used to call me their sun child."

"What a weird name but I see where they would get it from. I love your hair. I wish mine was the same color," Avery said as ran her fingers through my hair.

"Well then, let's see what I can do," I quietly said as I ran my hand through her hair, turning the color close to mine. "Go check out but it's not permanent. It will last for today."

Avery ran off to the bathroom then to her mom. Lizzet looked shocked but when she looked at me I nodded my head and held up one finger, hoping she knew what I was saying. She smiled and told Avery she liked it but her normal hair color was beautiful too.

We parked in another large field, circling the buses again. I don't know how they found all the fields but I was forever thankful. We all parked and when the buses stopped I was out the door. I didn't wait on my mates because I wanted to get their food for them this time. I was the first one in the line.

"Where's your mates? They usually come up here?" Maryln told me.

I laughed. "I beat them to it. It's my day to serve them. They just don't know about it."

She laughed as she handed me two plates. I thanked her and let her know I would be back for mine. I walked up to my mates. They were standing by the front of the bus looking for me. I cleared my throat and nodded to the space I was standing at.

"What are you doing, Summer?" Zane asked bewildered.

"It's my turn to take care of you. Come sit down so I can go get my plate." They didn't move. "Please. I wanted to take care of you this time."

My mates came over and sat down, grumbling about it was their job to take care of me. I wasn't having any of it. I went back to the kitchen and stood in line. Maryln nodded her head, telling me my plate was on the side waiting for me. I grabbed my plate and three sodas, taking the drinks back to Blaine and Zane. I handed their drinks to them and sat down and started eating. I knew they were still upset about me taking care of them but I didn't care at the moment.

"I know you are upset with me taking care of you two. But, I wanted to do something to thank you for everything. Can you understand this?" I muttered.

They nodded their heads and smiled at me. I leaned up and kissed both of them. I finished my breakfast but my mates got up and threw everything away, well, all but my drink. I knew a vitamin was in my near future. I shuddered.

"Here you go, mate," Zane said as he handed me the dreaded vitamin.

I held my nose and took it, gagging a little at the taste. Gross! I kept taking big sips of my grape soda. After a few drinks I couldn't taste the vitamin. I shuddered again. I knew if I burped because of the soda I was going to taste that shit. I reminded myself it was for our babies.

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