Chapter 71 - Teaching Wolves New Tricks

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"We could help get you clean - with our tongues," Zane commented, causing my core to heat up. 


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"No, no, no," I voiced, trying to convince myself. "I need all of my energy today for our fight." My mates pouted. "Quit pouting. It's time to watch the next disc so I can get ready. I still need to get my energy bars and orange juice together."

Blaine hit the start button and got comfortable. Our last lesson was on how to find out who was on our side. But, it wasn't the truth spell. This spell could be used on a lot of wolves. We could also put the enemy down by taking control of their wolves. In turn, their wolves wouldn't be able to fight until we released them. The only problem with this lesson was that we used a lot more of our energy. It wasn't one of my favorite lessons. We needed all the energy we could spare on the fight.

The disc ended and I jumped up and went to the bathroom. I jumped into the shower and washed my hair, making sure I was clean from head to toe. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked back into the bedroom. I didn't see my mates in the room with me but Justice told me Truth and Power wanted me to know that they were in the basement getting everyone ready to move out. I hurried to the necklaces I had made. I wanted to give them to Collette to give to Matt and his family. I needed to let her know that she would need to show Joel her necklace before he would trust her.

I braided my long hair quickly and grabbed my bag. I hurried downstairs and looked for Collette. I finally found her helping with the tables and cots. "Hey, Collette." I waved my hand at her, getting her attention. "These necklaces are for Matt and his family. I'm going to share my memory of them to you. Also, you will need to show Leo your necklace or he won't trust you. You ready for the memories?" She nodded her. I reached up and put my hands to her temples. I thought about Matt's family, his mate and children. I showed her what Leo looked like. I showed her George and let her know that he was an enemy. I showed her the rogue's who were sick and should be left in the dungeon. When I was done, she stepped back and bowed.

I waved her off and gave her a hug. "Be careful. I'm not sure if George's cell is actually locked. Keep yourself safe." She smiled and hugged me back.

I left her to finish what she was doing, looking around for my mates. I didn't see them in the basement. I knew the only other place they would be was in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and smiled. Marylyn and Lizzet were giving instructions to my mates. I stood with my shoulder against the wall and listened in. Marylyn repeated herself at least four times, until I laughed.

"Girl, how long have you been standing there?" Marylyn asked me, crossing her arms under her huge breasts.

"Uh, um, since you told them the instructions from the beginning," I squeaked out. Hey, she was intimidating. I don't know why she was but she reminded me of a grandmother and I didn't want to cross her. She started laughing.

I grabbed my mates and pulled them out of the kitchen, letting Marylyn know I would be back in a few minutes. "Let me show you the easiest spells, spells that won't cost you a lot of energy." I walked outside with them and sat them down on the grass. I told them to ask the wind, earth, water, and fire for permission to use their elements. I instructed them that they couldn't use fire and wind together. And to not let the wind get out of hand or they could cause a lot of destruction. They sat with me and soaked up the lessons my mother taught me. I had them build up a fire in their minds, to think it into existence. Before I knew it, my mates had a large ball of fire in their hands.

"Open your eyes, mates." They opened their eyes and gasped. "Now try it again with your eyes open."

It didn't take but a second for the fire to come to life again. I let them know to close their hands into a tight fist to extinguish the fire. My next lesson was on water. I had them ask the water in the ground or air for permission to use a little. They kept their eyes open and a few minutes more they had water trickling from the ground. I showed them how to ball the water up and throw it where they wanted, asking the air to help them. They were quick learners. Next was earth. They had watched me bury rogues and I wanted to see what they could do. I asked the earth to open up a crater in the ground, promising to close it back up quickly. I pointed, letting my mates know to close the earth back up and make it look as it did before. It took them seconds to pick this one up.

They laughed in joy and hugged me tightly. "Too tight. Can't breath," I told them, causing them to instantly to loosen their grasp on me.

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