Chapter 85 - Silver Eyes

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I hoped for Zane and Blaine's sake the pack was fine.

I played with Blaine's hair, wrapping my fingers around the long strands. I was talking to him and telling him not to worry that he would heal. I was worried that he hadn't awoken yet, but I was sure he had to be exhausted.

Zane walked back into the room with the biggest smile on his face. "Tomas is going to stay here, along with Joe. Tomas and Joe are going to be our Beta's too if it's okay with you." He paused. "Joe found his mate here. She's one of the warrior women here. Pete's taking the pack. He's been keeping it together since we left. I knew they weren't taking care of anything. The women told us thank you for saving them from sewing so much and they would be sending baby items as soon as we have them."

I smiled at him. "So, Joe finally found his mate. After so many years of looking she was right here all along. I'm happy for him. And, I'm very glad the women can quit sewing for that bitch. I don't know Pete but if you say he's capable then I know he will do great work with them. And, I think it will be great having three Beta's. I know Maryln is not going to want to get out of the kitchen but hopefully she will do a little work as the Beta female. Or, one of them can be the Delta/Gamma. I'm sure Leo wouldn't mind being the Delta. But, let's talk to them later, okay?"

Zane nodded at me. "I'm going to go and get the women and men out of the cave. I'm sure they are worried-"

"-I've told them you are coming for them when you went to use the phone. I didn't tell them anything else. So, get ready for a lot of questions," I cut in, smiling at Zane.

"Uh, thanks?" He said as he laughed.

"Yeah, sorry. I couldn't handle a lot of questions right now. I'm too tired to even think straight." Zane hugged me and took off towards the caves.

I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep for a few hours. But, my sleep was interrupted by moaning. I couldn't see who was moaning at the moment because it was if I was seeing through a fog. The fog was thick as if it was late at night and the fog was coming over the ocean. I kept walking towards the moaning. It felt as if I had walked for miles so far. When I finally made it to the person I noticed it was Blaine. He was hunched over, holding his belly and shaking his head.

"Blaine, tell me what's wrong so I can help you," I basically ordered. I was scared watching him shake and moan. When I didn't receive an answer, I bent down to his level and looked at his face. His face was swollen and his eyes were liquid silver as were his tears. I was scared but I thought I knew what was going on.

"Blaine, I'll help you feel better by getting rid of the rest of the silver. I'm sorry, baby, for leaving any inside you. I'm going to wake up right now and help you," I told Blaine, tears mixing with snot running down my face.

I was getting ready to wake up when I head 'remember' once again. It sounded as if it was Blaine's voice but I couldn't be sure. The only thing I needed to do was remember what they were talking about. I hoped I could. I was usually better about remembering things but with everything happening my mind went on vacation.

I woke up and called the doctor. He was in the room in a flash, worried something was wrong. "Can you check Blaine's blood for silver. I'm afraid I didn't get all the silver out of him. Maybe the knife nicked a bone and I didn't catch it," I told him quickly, running my words into each other.

"I'll check his blood and I can do an ultrasound to see if he has a pocket of something where he was stabbed. Is this okay with you?"

I nodded my head. "Please. I want to help me heal as fast as possible. And, getting any silver out will help. I just hope I'm not too late. Silver poisoning is not something I want my mate to go through."

The doctor nodded as he grabbed a needle and a tube. I watched as he tied Blaine's arm off to look for a vein. He inserted the needle in the vein and popped the tie off quickly. I watched as he drew the blood and inserted into the tube.

"I'm going to check this right now. If there's silver in his blood I'll be back with the ultrasound machine," the doctor informed me.

I laid down beside Blaine and ran my hand through his hair. I loved my mates long hair. I knew most women wouldn't want men with my mates hair length but I didn't care. Their hair looked good on them. And, I loved, loved running my fingers through it. I was talking to Blaine as if he was awake. I was telling him what was going on with the Beta's and Delta positions. How I beat the bastard. How Zane killed the bitch face. I told him about my dream and how I wanted to help him. What the doctor was doing to help him too.

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