Chapter 63 - The Legend

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I sat down and my mates brought my food to me. They both took turns kissing me on the cheek before they ate. After we were done Blaine took our plates to the trash.

"Hey, Summer, will set this barrel on fire?" Blaine asked me.

I nodded my head and gestured for him to move away. A fireball went from my hand into the barrel without touching anything else. "Well, damn. I didn't even need to ask you to move," I said in wonder.

Blaine smiled at me as Zane was the bad guy who gave me the poisonous vitamin. I looked up at him and swallowed hard. I didn't want to take that shit, well, until Blaine came back with milk and crackers. I reached up and grabbed the vitamin, throwing it in my mouth and following it with half of the milk. I nibbled on crackers and drank the rest of my milk.

"That's a lot better. And, Zane, I'm on to you and Blaine. Each you have to be the bad guy every other day," I pointed out, smiling at the look on their faces.

"She's too smart, Blaine. I didn't think she would catch on this quick," Zane commented, laughing a little.

"Ha-ha! Maybe I should take my vitamin myself," I told them.

"No!" They both whisper yelled.

"We know you, mate, you wouldn't take them," Blaine said, catching onto my plan too fast.

"Well, I had to try," I sang, smiling at them. I walked over and hugged them, kissing their cheeks. I couldn't wait for this to be all over with. I was ready to be with my mates.

I looked at my mates to see them blushing. I guess their wolves or Justice told them what was on my mind.

"I told Truth and Power, Summer," Justice sang out, annoying the hell out of me. I should be able to keep some stuff to myself. But, no, I had to have a wolf who told my every secret.

"Annoying, little bitch," I mumbled, looking up quickly to see all the wolves had stopped.

I put my hands out. "I'm so sorry. I was talking to my wolf. She tells my mates everything I think," I pleaded.

They all snickered quietly, making me feel so much better.

"Your wolves talk to each other? How?" One of the women asked.

"I'm not sure. I'm sure I will be told soon," I commented.

"What's your wolves names?" Joe asked.

Oh, fuck me. This is going to be embarrassing. But, I was saved by Zane clearing his throat. I wanted to jump in his arms and kiss his face. I wanted to do a lot to him. Oh, shit! He already knows.

Zane cleared his throat again and answered, "Truth, Justice and Power." He quickly looked to the ground.

"Oh, wow! The legend is true," Joel excitedly said.

I snapped my head up and looked at Joel. "What legend?"

"One about the daughter of the Moon Goddess finding her perfect mates. Their wolves could talk to any wolf around them. Which means you can talk to our wolves too. I have the book is in my bag, do you want to see it?' I nodded vigorously as Joel ran to his bus, coming back quickly with the book he spoke about.

"Where did you get this, Joel? I asked quietly.

"It showed up on my table in my room at the old pack. I never knew where it came from. I got caught up in reading it but there were a few things I didn't understand," Joel explained.

I laid my palm over the symbol in the middle of the cover. The book cover changed into something black with sparkles over it. Exactly like our daggers in the Black Blade pack. The pages quickly opened and I could see what Joel was talking about. It looked as if it was gibberish. Something told me to run my hands over the page again. As we all looked on I saw the gibberish turn to words.

"Well, I'll be damned," Joel breathed out. "I didn't know this was your family history. Now I know why it was on my table. Your mom knew we would eventually meet."

I nodded my head, trying hard not to cry. My mom knew I would need this book and when. I was continually surprised by parents and my mates. I felt closer to her while I held the book. "C-can I have this Joel?"

"It's yours, Summer. I was only holding for you," Joel voiced as I grabbed him and hugged him. I didn't hug him long but I wanted him to know that I was grateful.

My mates shook Joel's hand and led me to our bus. I kept the book with me as I sat in my lounger. I waited for Blaine to move me to his lap. He needed sleep. I was still wide awake but I knew I needed some sleep. But, I wanted to read the part of the book my hand uncovered.

Blaine walked over and picked me up. "I know you want to look in your book. Go ahead and when you get tired let Power know and I will wake up enough to tuck you in, okay?"

I nodded my head and smiled at Blaine. I leaned over and kissed him, losing my breath and trying to uncurl my toes. My mates were dangerous with their kisses. I loved them and times two was even better.

I hugged him and headed to the passenger seat, after I got a kiss and a side hug from Zane. Zane started driving as I opened my book. I put my hand back over the text, changing it back into words. I was reading all that I could do to the other wolves. I could stop them in their tracks by using Justice's voice. Considering I was an Alpha she in turn would be an extremely powerful wolf. Shit!

I knew my eyes looked big and wide. My mouth was probably hanging open and I'm sure I turned a little pale. "Uh, Z-Zane.."

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