Chapter 13 - Do what?

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 Dedicated to SierraMakenzie for all her comments even when she's sick.

Joe took the next step closer to the she-wolf. As soon as he stepped on the limb it broke causing him to scream like a pussy. He was embarrassed, mortified, un-nerved, and, plain as day, stupid. His eyes were wide looking for the she-wolf, finally noticing that she had swung herself all the way on the other side of the tree trunk.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, taking in his pale face and wide eyes.

He nodded, not sure if his voice would work. He knew his climb wasn't  going to be easy but he was glad the falling part was over.

"And for the easy part." I hooked my harness to his, checked the aid hooks and set him to my front.

"Does he have to touch you? Only our mates should touch us or be close to us," Justice said in a snarky tone.

"He has a family he is wanting to get back to. Be nice. Plus, I will bathe once we get home and so will he," I answered back, letting her remember his family.

"Alright, time to let go of the sling and trust me a little more. I can't have you grabbing the rope and breaking it, understand?"

He nodded, once again. "What are you going to d-" He screamed out as he was about to finish his sentence.

Before I could answer Joe we were almost to the ground. I basically let the pulley system go until we were about to crash down to the ground. After I set the brake we came to an abrupt stop. I was laughing and screaming out in joy.

"-do?" He finally finished, shaking from the fast descent.

"Was that quick enough for you?" I taunted Joe.

"U-uh, yes. Thank you for getting of the tree and doing it safely. I was worried there for a moment but it turned out fine."

As soon as the harnesses were off both of us, my mates grabbed me and swung me around, taking turns spinning me and tossing me up high in the air.

Good thing they did. I mind-linked the picture of what was coming to my mates and told Matt and Joe what was going on, causing all of us run for the cabin. The cabin was safe, the cabin was a good point advantage, the cabin was home.

As we got closer to the cabin, Blaine and Zane stopped. They turned around and blind folded Joe and Matt, telling them they were sorry but the way to the house was a secret they couldn't expose.

"What's going on?" I mind-linked my mates.

"The way to this tunnel is confusing but we don't want Matt and Joe to know where it is. I'm just being safe. You're going to hear background sounds that don't match but it's to disorient the person, okay?" Blaine explained.

"Oh, what a great idea," I exclaimed. My mates were smart and thought out everything. They knew how strategize every situation before hand.

Blaine grabbed Matt and Zane grabbed Joe, leading them to the tunnel. The first sound we heard was a waterfall. After a thousand feet the sound of the waterfall sound slowly started to get quieter and quieter. The next sound was that of a washer machine and dryer. After those sounds it sounded like a shower running. The last sound was of people talking and with sound there was also the smell of meat cooking.

My mates took of the guys blind fold. Matt and Joe were blinking their eyes, looking as if they were owls. My mates were smiling, knowing they were confused. It was funny to see them so confused.

"Okay, that was good but we have to get ready for the next invasion. But, after we eat," I said, eye brow raised to my mates.

"Blaine, I will get the food if you want to get the maps and set the alarms and other goodies up, okay?" Zane informed Blaine.

Blaine nodded his head, turning around to head out the door, turning back around. "What level of fun do you want me to set up everything."

Zane thought about it for a few seconds. "Put at three."

Blaine nodded and took off to turn on the alarms and other fun stuff. Grabbing the maps he almost ran from the room. He knew time was of the essence. He slid around the corner and almost ran into the doorjamb before righting himself and walking into the kitchen. "Got everything done."

"Thanks, Blaine."

I was helping Zane with our food. I wasn't doing much but getting in Zane's way. He kept trying to get me to sit down but I needed to be close to my mates. When Blaine came back into the kitchen I hurried to make our drinks so I could be close to him but I needed to look into my backpack for a second. I wasn't sure why. 

"You need to do it. Don't just look into the backpack, check the lining everywhere. I had a memory of our mother saying something about reminding you to look," Justice commented.

"Alright I'm going." I ran to my backpack, opening it up and taking everything out. I searched inside, then searched the lining. I found something sewn into the front pocket of it. I carefully slit the pocket, pulling out a cd. On the front of it were the words, 'for your eyes and your mates.'

I ran back into the kitchen, holding up the cd for my mates to see. I was close to tears. The handwriting on it was of my mothers. It struck joy and pain in my heart. I was happy to have something from her but I sad because I would never have anything else of hers. I knew, without a doubt, the bastard would destroy everything inside the pack-house. It was his way. He loved to destroy.

"Do you want to go watch it with us? We have a media room we can go to," he carefully asked.

"Yeah, but what about the guys?" I asked.

"Hey, Matt and Joe, we will be back. We are going to eat in another room. We have something to do real quick," Blaine said to the men.

"Sure," Matt agreed. He was looking at us, letting us know he would take care of Joe.

I nodded at him and grabbed a plate of food. We slowly made it to the media room, Zane heading to the control room and Blaine and I finding our seats. Zane headed back to us and sat down, pressing on a clicker, causing the video to play.

As soon as I heard my mothers voice I started crying, causing Zane to stop the video. My heart was breaking all over again. I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I wanted her back. I wanted my father back and I wanted my pack back. After crying for awhile I finally got mad. All I could think of was the bastard was going to die. Hard. No mercy, no surrender. I didn't care. Him and all the other packs who would back him up were dead.

"You can turn it back on, Zane, I'm now in the mad stage of my grief."

Zane turned it back on. Every once in awhile they would look at me. I knew they were worried but I was interested in what my mother said.  "Holy, shit!" I yelled.

"What?" Zane and Blaine said.

A/N Yeah, I did it again. I left you at a cliffhanger. Sorry?

Please vote and comment. Your comments make me want to write more chapters quicker than Monday and Thursday. 

Thank you.

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