Chapter 43 - Prizes

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I checked the rest of her clothing but she was bug free. "Hey, kiddo's did the witches touch any of you. Did they help fix your hair, tie your shoes, play with your toys, or anything else?"


Almost all the kids nodded their heads. A lot of them started crying but I shushed them and asked if they wanted to play a game. They nodded. I sat in the middle of a circle, the kids in a wide circle around me. I made sure to let my mates know to watch the cameras for any witch teleporting around the outside of the buses. I had already protected each buses inside and most of the outside.

I had the kids take their shoes and socks off. I asked them to take any hair bows out and throw them in the middle. I told them when I was done they had to find their shoes and socks and put them on. The first one who did would get a prize. It didn't take me anytime to have everything around me. I started with the shoes and socks then went to the hair bows next. After I was done with all of those I scanned each child, finding one on the back of a little boys shirt. I called out all clear, handing the bug to Zane.

"Alright, ready, set, go," I called out to the children. They dove into the pile grabbing their socks and shoes. I watched Avery as she grabbed her shoes and sat down. She didn't grab her socks and I was wondering why. "Aren't you going to grab your socks, honey?"

"I can't, they are on his feet," she said, pointing at a boy.

"Hey, kiddos, they have to be your socks and shoes you put on. Someone's got Avery socks and all of you have the wrong shoes or socks on. Come on and play fair," I told them. The kids took their shoes and socks off as Avery pinpointed her socks. She grabbed them and put them on, throwing her shoes on too. She smiled at me and nodded her head but she didn't gloat or tattle. I was a little surprised with her attitude from before I figured she would have.

"We have a winner." The kid's started whining. "But, all of you are winners. I'll give your prizes when we stop and eat. It will be after we drive away from here. Come on, congratulate Avery and let's go." The kids came over and hugged Avery, getting back on the bus quietly. I knew they were excited to get a prize.

"What's their prize going to be," Zane asked as he laughed at me.

"I have no idea but I'll think of something. Do we have any wire or jewelry making kit?" Zane nodded and walked to the bus with me. When we got on the bus Zane opened a cabinet above the seats and handed me the kit. I smiled and went to sit down when I heard a motorcycle start up. I walked to the window and looked out. Blaine was pulling away on his bike.

"He's going to attach the bugs to a bike gangs hogs. It should be interesting going against those guys," Zane answered my unspoken question. We both started laughing at the thought.

I moved to the passenger seat and sat down. I worked on rings for the girls and necklaces for the boys. I added a protection spell to each item as I was making them and again when I was done. I looked them over and smiled. "What do you think?"

"Very good. But, you need to make something extra for Avery considering she won fair and square," he voiced.

"Good idea, thanks," I agreed, pulling out more wiring for a necklace. I added a few charms to the necklace, spelling each piece again. I added an extra layer of protection. I knew she didn't feel safe now. A witch had made her scared. Stupid bitches, preying on children. When I was done I looked it over and smiled. It was a beautiful piece and I knew she would think so too. The necklace had bows and ballerina slippers. I added leaves in the weave of the necklace at the neck, assuring myself it wouldn't poke her. I was done with the items as we were parking. I looked up and noticed we were in the back part of a park for campers. I smiled at Zane sitting on his motorcycle waiting for us.

"Zane let me know to meet him here," Blaine explained. I was wondering how he let him know but I found out when a hand waved in front of my face, drawing my attention to the ear piece he had in his hand. I nodded and got up, walking outside to see all the kids waiting on me.

"What did you do, run over everyone?" I asked laughing.

"Yes," they all quietly said. I guess their parents asked them to be quiet.

I walked around the kids, handing out their prizes as they oohed and awed. I saved Avery's for last. Finally making my way to her I kneeled down and gave her the ring. She smiled and hugged me. I pulled the necklace out of my pocket and stood up to put it around her neck.

"Thank you, Alpha, it's beautiful," Avery exclaimed as I rounded up all the kids.

"I wanted to let you know something about your jewelry. Every piece is spelled. No one can hurt you when you wear your necklaces or rings. In case you lose one I will be making sure no one can mess with you even if you do misplace your piece of jewelry. But, for now wear them. I need to eat before I can spell you, okay?" I informed the children and parents.

"Thank you, Ms. Alpha," the kids whisper yelled. I smiled at them as their parents thanked me and took them off to get their food.

"You're going to make a wonderful mother," Blaine told me, giving me a kiss.

I, of course, blushed. "My mom taught me everyone was important from the youngest child to the oldest person. She was a wonderful teacher and mother."

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