Chapter 57 - Mean & Green

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"Let me get this straight. You're a lot more powerful - which I wouldn't think was possible - and you're lethal, or more lethal?"

I nodded my head and we both busted out laughing. I couldn't stop my giggles. The way he phrased his question was hilarious. I guess I was kick ass now. It wasn't something I thought of. I didn't care if I had more power but I was glad the Moon Goddess allowed my mother to transfer hers to me.

"Hey, I want in on the fun too," Blaine whined from the driver's seat.

Blaine and I walked up to the front. I sat down in the passenger seat and Zane sat in the middle. I motioned for Zane to tell Blaine what was going on.

"Summer is a lot more powerful and lethal. She visited the Moon Goddess and her parents. Her mother gave Summer her power and her dad filled her head with a lot more moves to kill rogues."

"Wait, what?" Blaine's mouth was hanging open as he cut his eyes over to me. "I can feel the power rolling off of you, Summer."

I nodded my head and giggled at Blaine's expression. "I promise to only use my power to protect ourselves and our group. I would never use it for evil. My mom never did and I won't either." My mates nodded.

"Are you going to share with the class what more of the moves are?" Zane questioned.

I laughed at them. They wanted to know more. I had already thought of sharing the moves with our group. I was just waiting on my mates to ask. "Yep. I'm going to be sharing. Everyone needs to know the moves my father shared with me. There are so many more moves he showed me. I swear we are going to become the mean green fighting machines."

My mates nodded their heads and smiled wickedly. Uh-oh, I was in trouble. I didn't know what they were up to but I was sure it was going to be something crazy. "What?" I questioned.

"Just think. Once we get to your pack-" Blaine started.

"-our pack, Blaine and Zane, it's our pack," I added.

"Just think. Once we get to our pack we are going to be hell on the rogues there and anymore who want to mess with us."

I laughed at my crazy mates. "So true. As long as we use everything to protect us I don't care. I want us to all be safe. I don't want anyone to take us away from our families."

"Yep," Zane said, popping the p as I rolled my eyes at them.

"Well, it's time for me to get some sleep," Zane informed us. "Are you staying up for awhile, Summer?"

"Yeah. I want to look around for awhile. I feel like I've been sleeping for days," I told Zane as he pouted. "We only have a couple more days until we get there and then we all pile up in bed together - after the sheets are cleaned from the bastards use."

"Okay. Goodnight or good morning for you two," Zane said, moving towards my chair.

He fell asleep quickly as I looked around. It was beautiful and I was glad I didn't have to run back there. I had enough of running for awhile. I was ready to take Garrett down, and his cronies. I knew my mates were ready to take down their aunt and uncle. I wondered who would take over their pack. I wasn't sure but I think they had an idea. I ended up dozing off for a while.

Blaine shook my shoulder. "Hey, Summer, there's a cooler behind you if you're hungry. I know I am."

I figured out that Blaine was hungry and wanted to eat, so he woke me up. I turned and grabbed the cooler, taking out two sandwiches, handing him one and putting mine in my lap. I grabbed two drinks and handed Blaine his. There another sandwich and drink for Zane.

"Thanks, Summer," Blaine said.

"You're welcome. I was hungry too. Did we stop?" I questioned.

"Yeah, we put gas in the buses and dune buggies. Marylyn and Lizzet made the sandwiches and put them in coolers. That way we could eat when we wanted. The extra sandwich is for you. Zane already ate," Blaine explained.

"Thank you. I will make sure to thank Maryln and Lizzet too."

Blaine jerked his head towards me. "What did I do to be thanked."

"My Goddess, Blaine, you and Zane have done everything. It's because of you and Zane that we were ready to take our group. You and Zane had barracks for them, security for everyone, food, clothing, everything. I'm thankful for each of you."

Blaine blushed and tried to wave away my words. But, I would never take them back. My mates are amazing and what I said was the truth. I ate my sandwich, giving Blaine time to digest what I said. We ate in silence but I was sure our minds were whirling.

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