Chapter 79 - Shit Stain

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A?N: I felt like listening to a little Pink. She gets my fingers moving across my keyboard. Who helps you write?

But something stopped me. I stayed where I was and saw the bastard look out of his eye and smile. He jumped up at me, swiping my necklace off my neck and putting it on quickly.

I fake gasped, playing as if I was reaching out for it. He slapped my hands and smiled.

"Idiot, did he really think that he was now immune?" Justice sarcastically asked.

"Uh, yeah, he does," I replied to her question.

"Ha! Now, what are you going to do, little girl?" The bastard asked me.

I smiled sickly sweet at him, causing his mouth to gape open for a second or two. He snapped his mouth closed and glared at me. I threw a small flame at him. I wanted him to know he wasn't in any position to be cocky. He screamed, beat at the small flame and growled at me as he ran at me. When he got close, I jumped into the air and kicked him in the face, still floating in the air some. He growled louder as he jumped up and grabbed my ankle, throwing me into the trees. As soon as I felt myself getting closer to the trees I asked them to protect me. I was carefully picked up and set back down on the ground as I heard the bastard gasp.

"You were saying?" I stated, glaring at him.

"You're mom wasn't that powerful, I know she wasn't. Who did you have to kill to get that kind of power?" He asked.

"You mean when you killed someone? You killed my witch mother, causing her to transfer her power to me, after her death," I commented.

"There is no way she transferred her power after death. No one can do that," he replied angrily. "You're a liar."

"Nope. I was able to visit her with my true mother - the Moon Goddess. She allowed her to transfer the power. Sucks to be you, huh?" I explained, adding enough to piss him off.

"There is no Moon Goddess! It's just a story our parents told us to keep us in line, and to be true to her mate choice for us," he sneered.

I gasped at his comment. "You are in for it now. I have her blessings to take you out. She doesn't want filth like you to be able to corrupt her teachings."

I felt someone coming up behind me, knowing it wasn't my mates. And, by the stink of his body odor I knew it was a rogue. The bastard had been trying to keep my attention on him and let someone else fight his battles. But, the earth was letting me know where everyone was. He was chicken shit. For someone who claimed to be a badass he was showing his true colors by his actions.

"Chicken shit. You can't fight your own battles?" I sneered at him.

I saw him barely nod his head. I was about to ask the air to surround him and keep him in place but I didn't have to. Cool. It was nice that the elements helped me without my asking. "Now what? You ready to fight now?"

"Title match?" He asked, looking me up and down as he smiled a sick smile at me. "When I win I get you. I will get rid of your children and have my own with you. I will keep you pregnant and weak."

I tried very hard not to shudder at his plan for me. I didn't want him to think I was weak. I knew he thought I was nothing, that women can't fight and are only good for one thing. Hmm, time to show him who's boss. "I'll take that match. But, you will never touch me or my children, plus, I'll never be weak as you think I will, bastard."

"Guys, I'm about to have a title match with the bastard. How many more rogues are there?"

"Do what? Summer, you don't need to do this. We are you mates, so we can take the title match," Blaine pleaded.

"I have to do this. Don't worry about me, I'll do everything in my power to keep me and our children safe. Have you taken out ass-hat and bitch face?" I asked.

"Yeah, well, ass-hat is gone. We can't find the bitch. We're still looking. We will be around the perimeter to make sure the bastard doesn't cheat, okay," Zane asked.

I knew they were worried about me. "Okay," I answered, biting my lip and pacing.

"Oh, Goddess, I haven't given the bastard my answer and now he has the biggest grin on his face, thinking my mate will be fighting him. "Bring it. Let's meet in the challenge circle then."

I gestured for him to go in front of me as he shook his no and gestured for me to go first. I decided to walk in front of him, showing him I wasn't afraid of him. I asked the earth and wind to protect my back. I didn't trust the bastard not to knife me in the back. He was a sneaky shit. I moved to the challenge circle, looking around at all the dead rogues. I could see a few of them still alive and around the circle, but they had our people behind them - all except my mates. I nodded at them, letting them know I was okay and ready to get this over with.

"Who's your mate, little girl? I know you didn't come without him," he jeered with a nasty expression.

"Let's take this shit stain out, Summer. I can't stand his voice anymore," Justice needled.

"We're going to in a few minutes. I need you to help me all you can. He's going to cheat, I know he is," I explained.

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