Chapter 93 - Dreams Of Sorrow

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I could still hear Justice whining about her mate being sick but she had calmed down some. I don't think she realized how her cries were affecting me. She was in hell not being able to contact Power. She's used to having both mates talk to her.

"I'm sorry, Summer. I didn't think my actions would affect you so much. I'll try and tone it down for you. It's just so hard for me to be without the other part of my soul," Justice told me in a small voice.

"I know, Justice. I feel the same way but I have to stay strong or I'll fall apart and not be able to do anything to help Blaine. Can you understand why I'm trying to stay strong?"

"Yes," she answered and sighed. "It's really hard and it's messing with my emotions. But, I think I can calm down a little if you let me look through your eyes at times."

"I can let you look. He's already looking a little better, okay," I let Justice know, letting her see through my eyes. I wanted her to see his progress as the days go by.

"Thank you, Summer."

I nodded at her, myself, whatever and got comfortable in my chair. I knew I needed sleep but I was afraid to fall asleep and miss anything going on with Blaine. But, I knew I needed to rest for my children. I sighed, combing my hands through my hair, trying my damndest not to give in.

The doctor walked in and checked on Blaine, setting up more blood. "Hey, aren't you tired yet?"

"A little but I'm okay for now. Did you get something else to eat?" I asked him as I moved to a more comfortable spot in the chair.

"Yes, Marylyn gave the nurses and I the food that was in your cooler. She's making more food and will bring it over a little later," the doctor explained, smiling at me.

"Good. I was worried about you and the nurses having something to eat. I still have a few more beef sticks and energy bars that I can eat. If you need anymore food let me know. I don't mind sharing," I replied, smiling back at him.

"We're okay, but thanks. I'm setting up a few more pints of blood. He needs to have to have ten to eleven pints of blood flowing through him. I will be setting up the rest soon," he explained to me.

I nodded my head and laid my head against the headrest. I could tell the chair was from an office but I couldn't care as of right now. If someone wanted their chair back they would have to fight me first and I don't know anyone who would want to do that.

I watched the doctor set up more blood and then took the blood with the silver in it away. He walked back in and checked everything one more time, smiling at me and leaving the room. I pulled the chair closer to Blaine and grabbed his fingers, threading them through mine and laying my head on the edge of the bed.

I was dreaming again. I could hear some movement around me but the darkness was overwhelming. After a minute or two my eyes adjusted to the darkness, showing me Blaine sitting in a corner with his head down. I walked over to him and started a conversation. I told about all the people donating blood for him. How he was set up on a machine to take out the infected blood and I was right next to him. He never said anything back but I could tell he wasn't as tense. I leant down to look in his eyes but he had them closed. He was holding his lower stomach, rocking back and forth. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was wrong. I heard an alarm or something going off and felt someone shaking me. I told Blaine I loved him before coming back into the real world.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked, standing straight up and glowering.

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