Chapter 94 - Giving Up

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"What the hell is going on?" I asked, standing straight up and glowering.

"Somethings wrong. His kidneys are shutting down," the doctor explained as he was checking the machines.

"Well, fix them and quick. He must have silver there too. What can I do to help?" I yelled over the alarm.

"I'm not sure yet. Let me get the ultrasound and take a look," the doctor replied. He ran off and came back with the ultrasound machine, looking very nervous. He squirted the gel on Blaine's back and took a look at the ultrasound screen. I watched him move the wand about and stopping at one place. His kidneys were lit up like a Christmas tree. He kept moving the wand around to look at Blaine's other kidney but it was the same as the other side. I watched as he put gel on Blaine's bladder and checked it too. Again, his bladder was lit up.

"Tell me you can help him," I ordered as I heard 'remember' again. Remember what, damn it! I wish I could remember what the voice was telling me but I was exhausted and worried about Blaine.

"I can help him. But, his kidneys and bladder may never heal correctly," he whispered as his eyes looked up at me with a sad expression.

I wasn't going to take no for an answer. Blaine would heal. Zane and I would heal him if needed. Hell, Blaine could heal himself if I could remind him in one of my dreams. Now, I wanted to do was sleep so I could see him.

"Help him," I ordered. "He will heal with all of our help, his included. I've seen him in my dreams or I'm dream walking, I'm not exactly sure. I will let him know to help heal himself. Just help him now."

The doctor nodded. A nurse pulled up another machine and put in a catheter. I would have been mad but I wanted Blaine fixed, plus, she was mated. She never said anything inappropriate, so I left my words to die in my mind and not spit out of my mouth. I was very thankful I didn't snap at her. I watched as they set up another machine, adding more wires, I.V.'s and whatever else they had in or on him. I was starting to feel more uncomfortable as they hooked him up. It was way worse than before and I felt like crumbling on the floor. I didn't know how much more I could take. But, I knew I would never change my views of him being healthy and whole. No one could tell any differently. I couldn't lose him. I wouldn't lose him.

Justice, my wolf, growled at the doctor. "He's giving up, isn't he?"

"He doesn't know us does he?" I asked her, watching her pace back and forth in my mind.

"No! I'm not giving up. Blaine will be healed soon. I have to believe that or I will fall apart. So, I'm here to help you, Summer," Justice commented, still pacing.

"For sure. He will be alright. And, I'm not letting anyone tell me any differently. Now, we don't listen to anyone if they tell us bad news. We believe in our mates and ourselves," I replied as I nodded my head, confirming my thoughts to myself and Justice. Justice gave me a wolfy grin and settled down.

I threaded my fingers in with Blaine's fingers and laid my head back down on the edge of the bed. It took me longer to fall asleep but when I did it was a deep sleep. I was in darkness again. It was cold in Blaine's dream. I was wondering if he was cold from all the fluids going into him or from the silver. My eyes adjusted, taking longer than before. I saw Blaine and moved over to him, grabbing his hand and holding in between mine. He looked up at me and smiled. I took a deep breath in and let it out through my mouth, smiling back at him.

"Blaine, I need you to heal yourself. Zane and I are helping to heal you on our end. But, we need your help. I miss you so much and so does Zane. My heart aches more everyday you don't wake up, so please, please help us out. I love you. Think you can help out?" I begged Blaine, trying to hold back my tears.

"I'm trying but I need more energy. I can feel myself getting weaker already. If you can find a way to give some protein I will heal on this end, too. I love you and Zane. Please tell him I'm trying to come back to you and him. I hope you will wait for me," Blaine commented in a rough voice, not like his own.

I kissed him and hugged him. "You should know I would wait for you forever. Don't worry about me and Justice. We've decided to not listen to the doctors and rely on girl power, well, not girl power but you know what I mean. We are never giving up-" 

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