Chapter 24 - The rogues

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"What the hell do you want?" I sneered. I was tired of the idiots. I was tired of all the bull-shit. I wanted to have a life with my mates, live a little and breathe. Oh, Goddess, I needed to breathe.

I felt a spell being leveled at me. It wasn't a strong one but it could do some damage. I quickly swatted it down. I asked the earth to help me in keeping the other witch quiet and contained. The earth answered immediately.

"What the...hey, what's going on?" The older witch screamed.

I then asked the air to help me push back the foul ones - the rogues- to our firing line and hold them. It was a sight to see. The rogues didn't know what was going on. They kept giving the younger witch dirty looks, thinking she was in control of the earth and air, making me laugh internally.

"You can leave now or do you want to incur the wrath of this crazy storm? I don't know what's going to happen if you stay. It seems like the earth is crying out to be heard and felt," I boomed out across the field, making sure to be heard all the way around the cabin.

It wasn't long before I heard from my mates. The rogues in the back and side of the cabin were leaving.

I had one more thing to say to the rogues. "I hope you run and hide from Garrett, if not he's going to kill you. Don't even think about asking me for help, you had your chance when you followed the bastard. Now, take your damn witches, with their dark magic, away from our land. Do it now!"

It didn't take long for the rogues to scoop up the witches and run. I could tell they didn't want to touch the witches, their magic was evil and felt wrong to any supernatural creature.

Everyone cheered. We won this one but the next one was going to be a test in patience and planning. I knew the warriors were ready to go but we had a few things to get straight first. I had some things to get straight in my mind first.

We all walked back inside and put our weapons up, ready and waiting for the next time. And, there would be a next time. This one was just a test to see how strong of a witch I was. I knew my mother didn't let him know all the spells she could do, she didn't trust him - with good reason it seemed.

"Great job!" Joe shouted at everyone.

My mates walked over to me. But, my mind saw only the way their bodies moved seductively towards me. I could feel the heat from their bodies or was that me? I didn't understand what was going on with me. Why was I so hot and horney?

"Crap," Joe said, turning around and holding his nose.

"Come on, I don't stink that bad," I told Joe.

My mates leaned down and took in a big breath of air. They looked at each other with a shit-eating grin that I couldn't understand.

"If you two don't take me to bed soon I'm going...weee," I tried telling them as they lifted me up between them.

Joel yelled out, "All of you to the tunnels or else there's going to be a free for all. Come on."

Blaine threw me in Zane's arms and ran with them to the big lift, helping as many people as he could down at one time. When he got to the bottom he opened the way into the bunkers and came back up to take the rest down, leaving only the older kitchen staff.


Zane kissed me, cutting off my question. I was in heaven at the moment and wanted more. He moved closer to as if he knew what I was thinking.

What I was thinking, damn.

"Let the fuck-fest party number five or six begin," Justice, my wolf, excitely said.

"Hell no! You aren't having any fun until you tell me why I'm acting like this in front of everyone," I yelled at her, uh, me. Never mind.

"I could tell you...but what are you willing to let us do to our mates?"

"Justice," I growled at her.

"No! Answer my question or I'll leave you hanging in the wind," she said.

I could see Zane smiling at me as if he knew something I didn't, which meant his wolf was letting him know about Justice and my little battle.

"Anything," I said and gasped. No, no, no! Justice was about to be let loose, watch out world, goodbye mates. This was a disaster of biblical proportions. I basically gave her permission to use our body.

I feel so used.

Zane and Blaine started laughing, startling me out of my thoughts and Justice's plans. They were laughing so hard there were tears running down their faces.

"What?" I asked, arms folded across my chest, back ramrod straight and getting pissed by the second.

"You're in heat, Summer," she said in a sing-song voice.

"Heat? As in the heat that dogs have?" I asked, realizing what I had said seconds ago. "I meant as in what wolves have?"

"Did your parents never tell you what was going to happen to your body once we mated?" Zane exclaimed. He was shocked, appalled, and slightly mad at her parents. They should have told her before her seventeenth birthday - before the day she could recognize her mate.

"No, they told me my mate would explain it more to me than they could. I think they were embarrassed. My mom was really shy and dad would run away screaming if he heard us talking about femine things."

"I'm sorry, Summer, we didn't know," Zane quietly said.

"Heat is when your libido is turned up to twenty out of one. You want sex and more sex to stave off the pain that could happen if you tried to go without sex. I've heard it's very painful, but I just don't know," Blaine explained.

"Well, what are you two waiting engraved invitation?" I asked, grabbing each of their hands and running into our rooms. What? I didn't care what the reason was to be with my mates, I just wanted them naked and inside me. I loved my mates and wanted to spend more time with them. We have been so busy with our plans, we have fallen asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow. A few hours of sex couldn't hurt.

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