Chapter 62 - Emotions

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"You're up. You need to eat. You've missed three meals, Summer. You had us so worried," Blaine exclaimed.

"What?" I yelled.

"Yeah, you slept for fifteen hours. We were worried about you but Justice told us you were storing up energy for your fight with the witches and the rogues," Zane explained.

"Oh," was my witty come back as I shook my head. "Thanks for letting me sleep. I guess I needed it. I feel refreshed." I yawned and stretched.

My mates nodded at me as Zane reached into the cooler and brought out three sandwiches. I handed one to Zane but he told me they had already eaten.

"I told them you would need to store up extra food for our fight and for our pups," Justice explained as she huffed.

"Okay. Thanks, Justice," I told her.

I sat between my mates and ate my sandwiches and ate my chips. I noticed there were two oranges in the cooler. I loved oranges and they were good for energy. I finished my sandwiches and chips, throwing the wrappers back into the cooler as I pulled out my oranges. I peeled them and ate them quickly. Now, I was totally full. I put the orange peels into the cooler and closed the lid.

"How close are we?" I asked.

"Less than a day away. Do you know where the rogues are supposed to come at us?" Zane questioned.

I smiled and answered, "Of course I know. I know a way to get behind them. We can use my scent masking spray to hide from them." I thought I had told them but maybe not.

"I told you, Blaine," Zane bragged, looking like a kid who knew the answers to everything.

I laughed at Zane and laughed at the pout on Blaine's face. Sometimes I wonder if my mates were ten-years-old and not twenty. They were too adorable. "You two behave. I don't have all the answers."

"Close enough," Zane mumbled.

I smiled at them. I went into my mind and thought about our fight with the rogues. I could tell them to submit but I wanted our warriors to have their time. I guess I could ask them. I was pretty sure I knew what their answers would be. It would be a unanimous yes that they would want to fight.

"Summer, Summer!" Someone yelled, shaking me.

I looked up to see Blaine shaking my shoulder. "Are you okay? Your eyes were blazing white. I've never seen it before."

"I'm fine-" I started to say.

"-it's because you're the Moon Goddess's daughter. Your power protects you. It's a good thing it was our mate who shook you or they would have went flying," Justice cut in.

"Uh, Justice told me it was a power that protects me because I'm the Moon Goddess's daughter. If someone else would have touched me they would have went flying," I confessed.

"Wow!" Both Blaine and Zane said in awe.

"We may need to warn everyone. I don't want anyone to get hurt. I could warn them when my eyes turn white not to touch me?" I somewhat asked.

"That's a great idea, Summer," Zane answered. "I know it doesn't affect us but if someone accidently touched you when your eyes are white they could get seriously hurt."

"Okay, I'll tell them. But, I don't want them afraid of me. My body just keeps getting weirder and weirder," I mumbled.

I was serious about our group being scared of me. I didn't want to scare anyone. I didn't ask for this but I wouldn't turn away from it either. I would do whatever the Moon Goddess asked of me. I guess I would have to tell them.

"One last meal before we go kick rogue ass," Blaine stated.

I rolled my eyes. "It won't be our last meal. And, yes, I know you weren't saying it that way." I paused as Blaine nodded. "Let's eat and confirm our plans. This is our last battle before the one to take out our so-called relatives. I can't even call the bastard a relative."

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