Chapter 86 - Tigger

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I was telling him what was going on with the Beta's and Delta positions. How I beat the bastard. How Zane killed the bitch face. I told him about my dream and how I wanted to help him. What the doctor was doing to help him too.

The doctor came running back in with a nurse behind him, dragging an ultrasound machine with her. "Time for an ultrasound. You were right about the silver in his blood, Alpha."

I nodded and got off the bed. I moved a chair closer to Blaine and held his hand. I knew he couldn't see me there but I wanted him to feel me close to him. I watched the doctor squirt the gel on Blaine's back. I scooted back a little so I could watch the screen too. I wanted to make sure nothing was missed.

As the doctor ran the wand over Blaine's back I saw a circle of something glowing. Glowing? "What's that doctor?" I asked, pointing to the screen.

The doctor went back over the area I asked about. He took pictures and moved the wand to each side of the blob. "I do believe it's silver. Are you going to need me to reopen the wound? I won't be able to get it out but I do believe you can."

I nodded my head and reached for my bag. I handed out more beef sticks to the doctor and the nurse. I grabbed a few for myself and ate them. I then pulled out about twenty energy bars and passed them around, making sure the nurse and doctor received the majority of them. I knew they hadn't eaten properly in a long time. I didn't want them to pass out from hunger while working on Blaine.

We finished our snacks and threw our trash away. The nurse added another bag of sugar water on my I.V. pole, juicing me up even more. I swear I was going to be looking as if I was tigger, bouncing around on my tail. Oh, well, at least I would have more energy.

"Are you ready, Alpha? Just know I'll stop you if I see any sign of your energy draining. You know Alpha Blaine would not want you to put yourself and your children in danger," the doctor explained his reasoning, arms crossed over his chest.

I gave him a curt nod. "I know he wouldn't want me to endanger myself or my children. Hopefully between both of us we can clear away the silver. Can you suction out the pocket and I'll make sure his bones are clear of the silver?" I commented, giving him my plan to heal Blaine.

"Sounds good." He looked over to his nurse. "Nurse Shelly, I'm going to need your help flushing out the wound as I suction. I'll tell you when to stop."

I moved over a little to give the nurse room to maneuver after she washed her hands and put on gloves. She was helping the doctor put on his gloves and gown when the doctor was finished washing his hands. I thought it would be a good idea to wash mine too. I couldn't put on gloves. I needed to feel the problem through my uncovered hands. After we were all ready and I was seated, the doctor cut open Blaine's back again. He had to make the incision larger than it was before I healed him. I wasn't worried about it since I could heal the incision afterwards. I was hoping Zane would be back to help me or the doctor would need to stitch him back up.

The nurse flushed out the wound as the doctor sucked everything on top out. I watched as the doctor had Shelly stop the flush. I could see some silver around the bottom of the bone. But, I knew the silver poisoning was deeper or Blaine would have been awake by now. After the doctor got all the silver out around the bone it was my turn. I know it sounded gross but I had been eating energy bars the whole time. The doctor took off his gloves, getting ready to put new ones on. But, I stopped him and the nurse before they could glove up and handed the more energy bars and beef sticks.

"Thank you, Alpha Summer. I can feel my energy finally feeling better," the doctor told me as he bowed his head.

I waved him off and mind-linked Zane, trying to find out how close they were. He let me know that they were pulling up to the pack house. I asked him to come to the hospital and wash his hands.

Zane walked into the room. "What's up, Summer?"

"Blaine has silver in his bone. It's bad but I can pull it out. But, I need you to close the wound back up. I don't want to use too my energy. Can you help me?" I asked him, looking at him as his back straightened and he nodded.

Blaine walked over and hugged me. He kissed me on the cheek and walked over to the sink. When he finished washing his hands he walked back over to me as the doctor moved and let us stand together. I put my hand over Blaine's open back and called the silver to me.

Moon Goddess watch over my hands as they heal

Keep us safe and his wounds be sealed

Give us the strength to keep him from pain

The silver be gone with the help of my mate Zane

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