Chapter 33 - Toys

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"Summers mom was clairvoyant. Evidently she's clairvoyant. She would not steer you wrong. We do have some toys to help get everyone to where we need. Anyone want to see them?" Blaine explained, throwing a little levity into the conversation.

He walked to a corner, pushing on the wall. We all walked behind him. I knew we were all curious as to what he had in mind. As we stepped into the huge room, my eyes landed on the street legal dune buggies. I immediately wanted one. The dune buggies could carry about eight people in it. It had to be custom made. I had never seen such a thing.

"We have a few other surprises too," Zane commented, smiling at everyone as he walked over to a tarp.

Zane pulled down a huge tarp that was hanging up in a corner. Only it wasn't a corner but a paint booth. My mouth fell open, words not coming to my mind. I could only think of one word - wow. I looked at my mates smiling at me, knowing I would be impressed. I was impressed. They were amazing. I walked the few steps over to my mates and hugged them hard. I couldn't believe everything they had done to help us.

"The Moon Goddess showed us what we would need to take care of Garrett and ourselves. We only did what we were told and showed," Zane told us.

"I don't care, you two are amazing. I'm proud to call you my mates. Now, let's see these buses up close," I commented as everyone nodded their heads, agreeing with me.

We walked up to the bus. I walked into the first one, noticing the bus was a rolling emergency room. It was very nice. It was smaller than a normal sized bus, which made it perfect.

I traded places with a few people and walked into another bus. The one I was in had bench seats all the way from the front to the back. I noticed the end seats on both sides folded down into the floor, making it easier to get to the back seats. The glass looked bulletproof but I wasn't sure. There was an escape hatch made into the ceiling and floor. There was even restrooms. The restroom was small but it didn't matter.

I walked into the other bus and noticed it was more of a lounge area. I walked over to the middle and looked around, noticing the seats in the floor. I pulled up one of the handles and the seats folded out, looking like the other bus. I noticed the lounge chair stayed in place and I was wondering why. I walked back over to the chair and noticed a note pinned to it. I picked it up and read the note, finding my mates wanted me to have a comfortable place to sit and sleep. I noticed a restroom in this one too. I walked to the driver's seat and looked around. There was a screen, showing around each bus. So, a security system.

I walked to the next bus and noticed it was a mobile kitchen with seating for more people. It was genius. There were two stoves, a microwave, an island for mixing things, a large sink, and slots for every pot, pan and cooking utensil. I looked in the few cabinets in the kitchen, finding a washer and dryer. They were small but it would do the trick. I was wondering how we could run everything. It had to have electricity.

I was told the rest of the buses had the same set up as the second bus I looked at. We would have enough room to take everyone. The dune buggies could be traded off if we wanted to. I knew I was going to be in the dune buggy at some point. I was wondering how I was going to take my Ninja. I wasn't leaving it to be destroyed but I had a feeling my mates would be ready with something.

"Hey, how is everything running inside?" Joel questioned as he stuck his head out of one of the buses.

"Every bus had solar panels on top," Blaine answered.

I knew it. Now for my question. "Where's my Ninja going to be?" I raised an eyebrow, putting my hands on my hips.

"They're in the toy carrier on the back of the bus with your chair," Zane explained, laughing at the happiness in my eyes.

I ran to the back of the bus and looked. I opened the door on the back of the trailer, or I should have said, huge ass toy carrier. The inside looked like a mechanics shop with our bikes at the back. I noticed another door to go through. It made it easier to get into the mechanic part of the toy carrier.

I ran back outside, jumping on my mates, almost knocking Joel down in the process. "Thank you, thank you."

Joel started sniffing the air, looking at me strangely. I know I didn't stink. I raised an eyebrow and started tapping my foot. "You're pregnant. By the different smells you're carrying twins."

I slid down out of my mates arms. I froze and started breathing erratically. My brain could only hear the word twins. I became still as a statue, taking in my mates worried voices. I would have to take care of myself better. I didn't want to injure my children. Children, not child. Oh, Moon Goddess what was I going to do?

There was a huge light that flashed, blinding everyone for a minute.

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